Halloween Countdown

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Just To Let You All Know, My Minions

I found out my time I will be going to surgery on Monday morning. It's at 7am, so don't expect any posts from me for a while. i should be out of the hospital on Thursday. After that who the hell knows what will happen.

I do know I will have physical therapy almost every day. As I progress in my therapy, that will taper off and I will be back in the pool again. Well, unless the doctor sees me and decides to replace the other knee, hopefully before December starts.

SO ... just sayin, I won't be around for a week maybe two. But to keep you happy here are some cartoons I found.


TheBlakkDuchess said...

Sending good thoughts your way.
When you wake up, you'll feel fine, you will feel no pain & you WILL cluck like a chicken... bwahahahaha...

Seriously, though. You'll be in my thoughts the next few weeks. ^-^


Educ8r said...

Brightest blessings. I hope all goes well and quick. May you be back up and hunting kitties and squirrels with your little fur balls in no time at all!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck with the surgery and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Unknown said...

Good juju being sent your way!

And don't worry if they finish with some spare parts left over... you really don't need ALL of your liver...

Reba said...

I'm a little late, but I'm thinking about you! Sending prayers and healing thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Healthy healing to you my friend. Keep that sense of humor!

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