Halloween Countdown

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Freaky Friday

Mmkay my sweet minions. I promised some of you pictures of my stapled knee so that means ALL of you have to endure the grizzly pictures. Yes and they are so mouth watering too.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm grossed out for the day. Thanks. lol

Judy said...


Anonymous said...

Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl. The first one kinda looks like a stapled ass. Also, love the sexay p.j.'s ; )

Anonymous said...

A lovely well approximated erythema and no s/s of infection... is my nurse's hat showing? LOL

Unknown said...

okay my knees hurt form looking at it but least it looks clean and not to gross:) feel better soon!

Bird said...

Yaaaaaaaa!!! Oh my gosh, darlin', that looks horribly painful. I hope like crazy you heal up super fast and are pain free soon, too. Goodness sakes. Super big time bright healing blessings to you,

Reba said...

It actually looks really good; the color is great, and no leaky nasties... although it probably hurts like hell. Healing thoughts to you! Keep up the great work... you are one strong motivated lady to be so ahead of schedule. WOOT!

Nar said...

I hpoe you are starting to feel better! It probably hurts like a mofo, but the incision looks like it's healing nicely.

Unknown said...

that is awesome..pic that is...not for you

TheBlakkDuchess said...

Yay, awesome medical pics!!! =D

That looks wicked painful, but totally cool. ^-^

Hope your pain is getting better.


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