Halloween Countdown

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

I'm Two Weeks Ahead

Hello my dear minions. I'm back.  So very sorry for the long hiatus that I took. I am ashamed that I left my friends and loved ones without letting you all know about it and when I would be back. But I am back for a while.

xray of knee replacements (not mine of coarse) notice staples in right xray
This past Tuesday I went to finally get my staples out of my right knee and got x-rays of it and the left knee. It was so fucking awesome to see something foreign inside my knee area even though it feels like I have a normal knee joint. It's going on four weeks now and I've been walking with nothing, no cane, no walker, nothing since the second week. My in home Physical Therapist said I'm two weeks ahead of myself in recovery, which is so fucking amazing to myself. But I'm going to slow it down a bit so I don't overdo it and end up back where I started three weeks ago.

To let you understand the pain, it's still like something on the maddening side of reality. I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy except my sister Barb. Yeah, you bitch! But thank the Goddess for painkillers. My problem is to remember to take the little buggers before they wear off and I go insane. Those of you who had any kind of joint replacement like a knee or hip, know what I'm talking about.

For those of you who haven't, all this is an FYI to take care of your joints if you're young or if this is hereditary like mine, thank you mom, you bitch  then try to still take care of yourself and exercise regularly to keep the weight down because in most cases this is from keeping a large amount of weight. So I have heredity and weight on the bad side of me. Yippy! But I am trying to get the weight off. When I get the left knee done and the staples out I will be schlepping my fat butt over to the Wellness Center to not only work my knees but to work the weight off too.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear you are recovering so well girly!

Reba said...

Ditto what Dark Mother said! You are one amazing and strong woman!

Anonymous said...

Damn, you go girl! Glad you're recovering so quickly!

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