Halloween Countdown

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Sunday, December 18, 2011


Mmkay. Thought I'd let everyone of you know I will be out for a few weeks. Yep, just like the last time when I had the other knee done. I will be going into the hospital on Monday morning at 6am for the total left knee replacement. I should be out on Thursday hopefully in the morning. David is ready to take care of me and I'll have my meds ready here at home before I arrive so there won't be any waiting while I'm in pain. So why do I have this really bad feeling something will not go as planned. Hmmmmm.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

May you have a successful operation and a speedy recovery!

Leanna said...

Thanks sweetie.

Robin Larkspur said...

Many blessings and best wishes for a successful surgery and a speedy, healthy recovery. Blast away those negative thoughts!!!

Educ8r said...

Hope everything goes smoothly. Feel better fast, or at least enjoy being mellow when the pain gets to be too much!

Lydia said...

Sending you healing energy and yes, keep those meds handy!

Unknown said...

What a perfect reason to stay home and a way from family drama! Damn wish I would have thought of it. My Christmas/Yule wish for you is calmness of spirit,no pain and a speedy recovery. I miss you girl!

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