Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Flowers And Stuff And You Know, Thangs

These are the pictures I took yesterday morning after the fog lifted.

This is the front porch with the gardens we put in last year. Lucy, my little baby girl (Boston Terrier) is photo bombing as usual looking for squirrels to chase.

 In the center of this side of the garden is a tiny hydrangia, one of two I planted this spring. You can barely see the thing but it's got the gray cement air vent right behind it. On the far right is the wisteria that David chopped down to nothing. I thought it would die but it came back with a vengeance.
The 2 white trellis panels David put up for the morning glorys and the climbing rose bushes we planted this spring. David hacked and chopped the fuck out of my white gardenia bushes next to the stairs. I'm still pissed at him for it. The pink bougainvillea hanging baskets from last year are still doing good also the pink and red knock out roses that Lucy is photo bombing again.
I put creeping phlox into this basket so it would spread a bit before I transplant in the garden. I have red, pink, white and purple phlox in 2 baskets soaking up the sun and getting strong
Morning glory babies on the right with the pink climbing rose in the center against the trellis
This is one of 4 lantana that we planted last year.
Pink and red knock out roses
This little tree was our Christmas tree last year. it was only a foot high, now look at the rascal. Creeping phlox in the hanging basket on the porch next to it.
Mock orange on the right and one of 5 bougainvillea I have around here and there.
David's 2 tomato plants that survived the winter. They have tiny tomatoes already.
These are regular phlox with creeping phlox growing among them. I also planted a bulb from my neighbor. The thing is about the size of a baseball so I planted it in the center.  She got it from Corpus Christi. It just looks like a mummified baseball. I don't think it'll hatch or whatever it's supposed to do. I'm wondering if it's a pod like from Invasion of The Body Snatchers.
These are sweet peas I planted two months ago. they're starting to climb the front porch corner trellis. They're about 8 inches tall now and will get up to 10 feet tall.


Pickleope said...

Your house is so cute! Now when can we all come over to sit on the porch and drink mint juleps? It's sad, I work at a botanical gardens, and I was unable to identify any of those plants (to be fair, I work on the fundraising side, not the botany side).

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, that's a charming porch and garden! I hope you'll post more photos later and show us how the flowering plants look once they climb up the trellis. We grow tomatoes in container pots too but ours cannot overwinter up here!

Iesadora said...

Your house is soooooo cute!!!!!! Can't wait to see all your plants when they get bigger and fill in. It's going to look amazing!

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