Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

More Plant Porn Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wow

First, before we get to the plant porn and other things, I owe all of you (my readers) an apology. YES, yes I do. I apologize for not being here and writing or posting anything for the past week or was it two weeks. Whatever, I'm so sorry for leaving you all in the glitch. I've been negligent in posting because I just couldn't make it out of bed sometimes. Yes I blame it on me. I've been down in the dumps lately and it's kinda hard to shake when everything is fucking with you. So, I'm so sorry.
Robin Hood Hedge
 Now on to the other shit. Everything is going great guns in the plant world around here. I have both hanging baskets with my begonias going nuts. This weekend I'll have to fertilize everything under the sun and in the shade too. The robin hood hedge roses are growing crazy wild in their corner. I really didn't expect them to grow at all, but they seem to have thrown that in my face.
Up close and personal with the robin hood hedge

The picture above is the front porch. Knock Out roses are going great as always. The two smaller light green bushes next to the steps are my favorite Gardenias. They are covered with flower buds that should bloom in a few days. The smell from them at night coming into the bedroom window will be unbelievable. I'll have to get pictures of them when it happens.

I moved the cannas from the front yard area under the pecan tree last week. I replanted them in pots and put them in the courtyard. the sunshine is so much better there for them. I'll post pictures of them next week, but these are what they looked like when I replanted them. Poor things are pretty beat up and sickly looking.

In their place along the fence we planted morning glories in every color available. I cant wait to see what comes of that. This is a picture of where we got the cannas from and where the morning glories are coming up now. They're going great guns too so I will be posting a new picture of them also.
morning glories where the cannas where planted
 We lost our four bougainvillea plants to the frost this winter and that means I will be on the lookout for some pretty ones again. This time I won't plant them outside. I'll just leave them in their hanging baskets and bring them inside during the cold temperatures.

The veggie garden is going crazy. David and I didn't count on the tomatoes and cucumbers going great gonzos but they proved us wrong. They seem to like the sun pattern there. They get the morning sun and shade shields them from the hot sun in the afternoon, . I'll be posting pictures of them by next week too.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

your roses are gorgeous! everything looks great!

Vickie said...

YAY! I missed you and so happy that you are back! Your yard is gorgeous!! And yeah, I'm right there with you on those gardenias, my absolute FAVES!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The front of your house with all those roses looks SO fab! I hope the garden and its bounty in veg and flowers will help keep your spirits up.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I can't wait to see the Morning Glories climb the fence! And all that color. I have no flowers--the pepper plant don't count--so I'm a bit jealous.

Glad you read you again! ♥

greekwitch said...

Yesterday i tried commenting here from mozilla and apparently it is still impossible! I am really impressed with your green thumb and your beautiful garden. I hope your back is better!

greekwitch said...

Yeih! Here is my comment!
Lots and lots of love!

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