Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Out For The Week

I'm going to take the rest of the week off my friends.  My back is reading me the riot act again. I over did it when I went swimming yesterday. So now I'm back on my pain meds and they should be kicking in real soon.  My Goddess, it's so painful just to sit or walk.

So I'll try to be here on Monday, if possible.  I have some new and funny things I want to share with you.  Have a stellar week y'all.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope those pain meds do the trick quickly! Rest up and feel better soon, okay?

jaz@octoberfarm said...

take care of yourself and feel better soon!

greekwitch said...

Sending healing thoughts and wishes. I hope release will come soon!

Birdie said...

I hope you will be back soon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you're having so much pain honey. I hope you are better soon.

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