Halloween Countdown

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Monday, December 15, 2014

Almost Abby Normal

Well, I'm almost back to normal today. Just a bit weak still but normal as usual. I had to go see my family doctor because this flu was kicking my ass HARD. He gave me a prescription for some stuff to help fight it. I let my immune system fall and he said I need to take better care of myself because I'm in my 60's now. Stop putting others first all the time. In other words, he gave me a big scolding.
I was able to eat my first real meal like chicken soup, other than toast and tea on Saturday but nothing big like meat and potatoes. I'm going to make hamburger steaks with mashed potatoes and green beans tonight for David. So I'm hoping to eat a bit of that and see if I can take it.

I was able to do three loads of laundry including stripping the bed and changing the linens. It was a big undertaking, but hey, it got done. We gave the puppies a bath Sunday. They hate getting a bath, but are all for it when they finally get it done. In fact, Lucy tends to go back into the bathroom to tell the other puppies that daddy is going to drown them.
I washed their blankets. Four loads of them. They have blankets because they hate the conventional dog beds. We bought them nice expensive $60 dog beds when they were younger and came home from work one day to find pieces of foam from the insides, all over the house. We were still finding pieces of foam for a week. Spunky was hiding it from us. Now that they have blankets they can move them into a pile, nest, or whatever their silly hearts desire. The blankets only cost $3 to $5 apiece. We buy a new one when we see one of the old ones have become ratty looking from being dragged around the house. To me it's a much better idea than buying new beds every year.
David will be home all week for the Christmas shutdown at his office. He won't be back at work until the 2nd of January. So I'll have to get a list of shit I need done around here. I have a stinking feeling he'll most likely spend his time in front of the TV all day if I don't give him things to keep him busy. I really hate Trash TV. It's all he watches during the day. It's very noisy around here when he's home because the TV blares reality crap all day long. I like it quiet. I'm usually cleaning house or on the internet, and the puppies sleep most of the day when I'm alone.

Speaking of internet, I need to look for one more Christmas present today. This is the last day to send things in the mail and that means internet shopping too. So I'll turn y'all lose now.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Man, that's a lotta laundry!

Leanna said...

Tell me about it! I do laundry only once a week but when David is home it multiples for some reason. And then there are the puppies and their blankets. OY!!

Vickie said...

So glad to hear you have begun the upward climb outta that sick hell. Missed you!! SEVEN loads of laundry? OMG!!! What are you? Super woman??

jaz@octoberfarm said...

that is one hell of a rebound! glad you are feeling better!

Leanna said...

I did 3 loads on Saturday and 4 on Sunday.

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