Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Monday, December 1, 2014

Another Mindless Monday!

A cold front, well I wouldn't say "cold" more of a front came through an hour ago. Lots of wind and the temperature did drop from 65 to 51. I started feeling this little bastard  coming our way on Saturday night. So much pain! My whole body was reeling from it up until now. I'm feeling a little better that it has come and gone.
Me and David
Okay, I have to say this. David gave me my Yule present early this year. On Friday I got a package in the mail from him. He brought it to me and told me to open it. Inside was a newly refurbished HP laptop. I broke down and cried. David gave me something I needed badly because Little Hal (my hp mini laptop) was slowly biting the dust. I dropped the poor little guy about 10 times and I think the 11th time he said, "enough woman! You're fucking killing me!"
New laptop

So David got me this laptop in case my other one died. I love it because it's not completely new. I won't feel like this is a big money investment that gets replaced after a few years. In fact I think it's a much better deal to buy refurbished PC's than new. Much better money wise and less landfill rubbish too. I will be spending my days transferring data from Little Hal to this laptop. I have so much music and a few ebooks I want to transfer. I also have to set up my camera program so I can download pictures from it. So much to do.

You might be wondering what was she doing all weekend. Well I was flat on my back on my heating pad because of the impending front coming through today. I will be going back to it in a bit. I just wanted to get this out to let you all know what's going on. So until tomorrow, Ciao.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

that was very nice and thoughtful of david! the cold front is happening here as well. we have sleet right now.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a wonderful Yule gift! It's like a gift from David to all of us too because it will make blogging easier for you to do!

Vickie said...

YAY and congrats on the new toy! Feel betters soon, I miss you!

Birdie said...

Just today I was saying to my husband that I think my laptop is on its way out. bah

Iesadora said...

Awww Davids sooo awesome!!! 3 of 4 of my laptops have been refurbished or used and upgraded. My current HP was a super good price (cheaper then my previous referb). I love the tinkering with all the settings portion of getting a new computer, backgrounds-icons-broswer colors-and whatnot. Have fun!!!!

Pickleope said...

I love calling it a "Yule present". I have a computer that's so old the operating system is no longer supported. Even with your new/refurbished computer, you should get an external hard drive. They're cheap and it will save you a lot of frustration.
Hopefully your heating pad is helping you.

Heli said...

Good point, Debra! Thanks David!

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