Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Texas! Uh Yeah, We Had a Drought

Lake Travis in drought conditions-The Express-News. 
Canyon Lake
The drought in our area of Texas is almost if not completely over. Lake Travis in Austin is still down by 30 ft.  With more rain coming in the next couple of days, it should be completely full. Canyon Lake is full to capacity. Canyon lake feeds the Guadalupe river which runs through Seguin and feeds the town it's major water supply. So we are really happy here.

Yesterday, it rained hard and the thunder storm was a bit frightening for the puppies, but they quieted down when the rain stopped falling so hard. They aren't so scared of the thunder as they are of heavy rain hitting the roof. Overall, on the rain gauge we got 1.4 inches yesterday and 2.5 inches Saturday. It's been wonderful for us with the rain and all. Not so for others in lower elevations where the rain pooled and caused flooding. My step-daughter told us she was fine in Austin. She was not in the area of flooding. Thank the Goddess.

More news on the waveless waterbed. The puppies hate it. They don't like walking on it, much less laying on it. Not a problem. Otherwise, I'm doing great. My backaches in the morning are not as bad as they were when we had a regular mattress. I wake up feeling refreshed because I can sleep all night without pain. I hardly feel any pain when I get up. It's a blessing! If you have bad back pain get yourself a waveless waterbed. Make sure you test it out by lying( or is it laying-whatever!) on one in the showroom before buying.

I am not a doctor, I don't endorse the waveless waterbed, but I feel better for having one to sleep on. I have suffered greatly with my arthritic spine for years and this is the best thing by far that I have found to get a great sound sleep on.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's always great to get rid of both drought and back pain!

greekwitch said...

You are tempting me!!! Baaadly!

Birdie said...

I was thinking about you this morning when I was listening to the news. Glad you have missed the worst of it.

Pickleope said...

That's great that the new bed is helping your back! Also glad to hear that the massive amount of rain is helping rather than hurting like in Houston.

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