Halloween Countdown

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Monday, October 12, 2015

It's Monday - Let's Do This

David is home today. He took a birthday - day off. They can do that where he works. Lucky blankety* blank* blank* blank*! Anywho, he WAS watching Jerry Springer (morning edition) and IS NOW watching some sad excuse for a scary movie onTV. It's the type of movie a guy would take his girlfriend to on a Saturday night for a makeout session. Yeah, it's not even close to being rated as interesting or good. It's that kind of bad movie. This kind of shit will be happening all day here so I'll be hiding out doing house work and such.

Over the weekend, David and I went to dinner with his daughter up in San Marcos at Saltgrass. We had a great birthday dinner. Then Sunday morning we went to IHop for breakfast. I  made his favorite meatloaf for dinner and then we settled back to watch The Walking Dead premier.
Pebbles is doing much better. She is sleeping right now. She seems to be back to her old funny self,  playing with Lucy and teasing Spunky. I'm so relieved that things are okay with her again. I was so worried about that little girl.
Seed porn from the Petunia Garden
Oh! I got some seed porn in the mail Friday afternoon. Yes! I'm so excited. These are the petunia seeds I was looking around on the web for so long. I'm going to plant them this winter under the planting lights and then repot them into hanging baskets for the front porch in the spring. I got them from Etsy, a little shop called The Petunia Garden.  You can see some of these seeds are featured on the page when you go there.
African Sunset - Celebrity Blue Ice - Blue Daddy - Baddy Mix - Celebrity Ice - Cascade Orchid Mist and  Limbo Red Veined. Each one of these tiny plastic bags in the picture contains teeny tiny seeds. You petunia lovers need to go check out this place. I love that site and I want to go back and order a lot more from the owner. She has beautiful flowers and there are also herbs and veggie seeds.

Well, I have to go do one last load of laundry. Chao


greekwitch said...

How nice! All kinds of petunias in your garden!!! I am so glad Pebbles is feeling better!!! Give her a hug from me!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy Birthday to David and Welcome Home to Pebbles!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

happy BD david and i am happy to hear pebbles is feeling better!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Seed porn?
My wife claims the the sci-fie movies I watch are mindless - I know better to address the one's she tapes as anything other then quality.
I may be old; but I am not stupid.
the Ol'Buzzard

Pickleope said...

If I know one thing about David from your writings here, it's that he loves him some bad TV.
Whenever I watch The Walking Dead I often think, "Poor T-Dog, wonder how that actor is doing?" Then proceed to never look him up.
Glad Pebbles is better.
That seed sending service would be a pretty good way to send poppy and marijuana seeds...not that many drug users are all that interested in growing their drug from seed. But it would be a good cover.

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