Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday-Day 2 of My Incarceration

Hey!!! It's Day 2 of my incarceration. I was just thinking that in about 3 weeks I'll be going through this all over again. YES! I know, Right? I get to do this again when David goes on Christmas break. Yeah! I can't wait! I dream of this every day.

Yesterday I was able to hide out on the front porch for about an hour with a mug of coffee before David came looking for me. It was so nice and cool. Then I went for a nice walk but he caught up to me. I can't even get any alone time with a walk. Crap on toast! Right now I'm finally alone. I sent him on a little shopping trip for chicken breasts, oranges, and potatoes. We forgot to get these items when we went shopping for groceries. With all the crazy shit happening at HEB, he should be gone for 30 minutes or so.

We are not having turkey for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is over rated as far as I'm concerned,  it's a food glutton's wet dream. We both like to keep it simple. So, we are having baked chicken breasts basted with orange sauce, baked potatoes, green beans, cranberries, and pecan pie for dessert. We like to keep it simple.


Iesadora said...

Well at least you know David likes you lol I know that doesn't help. Your dinner sounds really good! Aside for chinese orange chicken I've never had oranges and chicken together, could you share your recipe please? I have a girlfriend that likes trying out new dishes so maybe I can get her to take a crack at your orange chicken for me, ha ha, she knows I dont cook so it's a good possibility =D

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your planned Thanksgiving meal sounds delicious! And ha ha, that is one pissed off looking Bugs!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Don't care for turkey myself; we are having a chicken cooked in the slow cooker - dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes... I will over eat.
the Ol'Buzzard

Pickleope said...

Wait a second, "keep it simple"? You're having a massive Thanksgiving feast! And it seems pretty traditional save for substituting chicken for turkey. Sigh, I miss HEB. The stores around me are sadly lacking in comparison to where "everything is better."

Birdie said...

Well, damn. I already wished you a happy Thanksgiving but now I read in this post that you are not having one. Well, happy eating anyway! Your food sounds better than the usual fare.

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