Halloween Countdown

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Monday, February 1, 2016

Short Monday Morning Blog

DAYUM!!! It was 84 degrees yesterday. The sun was shining and we had a light breeze. It was absolutely beautiful. It's going to be the same today with more wind blowing than it was yesterday but it will be just as pretty. Since the weather was great David did a few chores over the weekend. Yes! It was strange because I didn't have to nag him. He actually did something on his own. So, so strange. Well, the puppies were also happy about the warmer weather. The girls, Lucy and Pebbles played with the tether ball most of the day while Spunky warmed himself in the sunshine. He loves doing that when he gets the chance.

Oh! I have to tell y'all! I got my MOJO back. I'm cooking again. YES! I know, right?!? After almost a whole week of fucking up everything in the kitchen, it felt wonderful to make dinner without a single problem. I'm still dancing inside my brain. Anywho, things are back to normal around here. I just hope it stays that way for a long time.

Well the puppies are nagging me to take them to the dog park. I better take them now before it gets too warm for them to run around.


Birdie said...

I have been messing up meals since I was old enough to cook. It is just not my thing.

TheCrankyCrow said...

84? Wow..we're lucky to get that in the summer here in Nod. Battening down now for another round with Ol' Man Winter...We are about to be dumped upon, and then plunged in the deep freeze. Hmmm...I thought I was the only one who messed up meals and then went on strike. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

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