Halloween Countdown

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Monday, May 16, 2016

Quick Little Post Today

I meant to blog on Friday of last week but I got sidetracked. Things are crazy around here. I've been trying to catch a cat that has claimed us as her slave. Really, I've been feeding her every morning for the past two weeks now. She is caramel in color and white with a sweet little face. I want to catch her so we can get her fixed and get her shots. The only problem is, she's very elusive and won't let me touch her. She's quite fast. Yeah, I know. "But you hate cats,"said a whiney voice. I don't really hate cats I just tolerate them. But, this little girl has claimed us, so David and I talked it over and decided to let her into our lives. 

Oh, just to let y'all know, I went to my appointment with my back doctor on Friday. He just wanted to do a follow-up since the fall. I'm fine as frog hair split four ways. I won't need to see him again until November or unless I fall on my silly ass again. That makes me happy.

Well, I have laundry to finish and errands to run today. So, have a magical day y'all.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

i hope you can catch that kitty!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

She sounds pretty feral. Even if you catch her and get her all vetted up, she may not be "pet material." But perhaps try a live capture cage -- local humane societies should have one to loan you.

Birdie said...

Cats have a way of deciding when and by whom they want to be owned. Have you named her?

Ol'Buzzard said...

That is nice of you. Of course, cats are not like dogs, they will live with you but on their own terms.
the Ol'Buzzard

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