Halloween Countdown

🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙Harris 2024 Walz💙🤍❤️💙🤍❤️💙🤍

Monday, January 2, 2017

Come to the Strange Side. . . We Have Booze and Cake

Yesterday was so surreal. So fucking strange that I felt I had to go back to bed but I didn't. I read blogs all day long and commented where I needed. If I didn't do it then Happy New Year everybody. I was reading the news this morning, ugh! It's like, when is all this shit going to stop. Then there was the mishap with Mariah Carey at the New Years Rockin Eve. AAHahahahahaaaa! That woman is washed up. She needs to just go away, far, far away.

Anywho, I think the dogs celebrated Saturday night because yesterday they were really, really quiet. I think they partied with the cats across the street. I really do. Hell yes!! They slept most of the day and Spunky kept walking around the house like a drunk with his blanket slightly wrapped around his old self. It was so weird watching all this unfold around me as I spent the day on the couch reading on my laptop. The dogs just walked slow and careful around the house like they were nursing hangovers. Strange shit, y'all. Strange shit.

David goes back to work tomorrow, the 3rd. It was kind of nice having him around this past week. I didn't feel like a prisoner for once. He let me sleep late Wednesday when I was fighting my insomnia last week. We spent some time with his daughter (my beautiful step-daughter) up in Austin and then had a quiet few days before the new year rang in. We went to bed early and woke up early as usual. It was nice.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh yeah, cats are notorious for their wild partying. I'm not surprised to hear they sucked your poor pups into a night of booze and vice.

greekwitch said...

Haha! Lovely celebrations!! I think I am turning into an antisocial hermit these days.. Anything that involves a lot of people completely creeps me out! I am sending you thoughts and wishes of health, strength, love, painlessness, joy and abundance!!!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i am having a totally do nothing day today. i almost never do this. i've been on my laptop for hours. i feel so guilty!

Unknown said...

I have had some time off, but it's back to the usual schedule tomorrow. I'm ready for the new year.

Magaly Guerrero said...

These days, I find myself listening to NPR with my teeth clenched. The madness seems to never end.

We stayed home for New Years. We often do. Okay, almost always. We don't care for braving the NYC New Year madness if we don't have to. Speaking of Mariah... goodness, I can't believe what happened. Like you said, she needs a trip. A very long one.

I hope this year brings good things (and none of them orange).

Ol'Buzzard said...

We got rid of 2016, now we have to get past January 20
the Ol'Buzzard

Magic Love Crow said...

It's good to have lazy days! I have pj days all the time! LOL! Tell those cats to leave your dogs alone! LOL!

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