Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, August 15, 2017


I had to show y'all what Lucy does to me for attention. Yes, this is also the sign of unconditional love from a dog. She has her little face on my elbow and she will keep it there until I pet her or start talking to her. 
Any sign of attention from me to her, be it touching or talking, is a delight for Lucy. She knows she is the center of my world and that I am wrapped around her little paw.
She is my taste tester for mashed potatoes, spaghetti noodles and if ground beef is fully cooked before adding herbs and spices.
She is my little shadow. Getting up and following me where ever I go except in the shower. Bath is a four letter word to her and if uttered in her presence, makes her slink for safety in a dark corner of the house where she shakes uncontrollably.
She will sit at my feet looking up at me with such huge brown eyes that I can't even begin to wonder how the hell does she make herself look so small and cute like that. How did she learn to be so sweet, then I think that maybe it was my unconditional love for her as well.


jaz@octoberfarm said...


Birdie said...

Look at that face! You would have to have a heart of stone to not want to give her pats.

Magic Love Crow said...

Awwwwww!!! Love!!!

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