Halloween Countdown

🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙Harris 2024 Walz💙🤍❤️💙🤍❤️💙🤍

Monday, August 21, 2017


It's finally Monday. Never thought I'd say that but yeah, I'm glad last week is finally over with. After all the scans and tests and eye exams and what not, I seem to be fine. Nothing turned up. My eye doctor said my retinas are great in both eyes and that the bright flashes are common for people that age like fine wine, the flirt. The CT turned up no evidence of stroke or tumors. It did show one great big thing but that was called my brain. David said it was a growth and it could be cancerous in nature and that many women have it.
I just finished cleaning house this morning. I kinda let it go over this past week because of all the tests and shit happening. I did do the laundry yesterday but for some reason, that was all I did. I didn't really feel well and today I went crazy and cleaned house like a demon on fire. Now I'm paying for it. I hate being tired all the time and having pain. It's hard on the body and mind. I sometimes wish there was a human body shop out there somewhere that would take me and fix my autoimmune problems and let me get back to my old happy life again. ~sigh~


Ol'Buzzard said...

I am glad your test were all negative. I didn't want to add to your fears; but I was worried the light flashes might have been a sing of epilepsy - glad you have a clean bill of health. Take care. We're thinking of you.
the Ol'Buzzard

Birdie said...

Good news! You have enough going on without adding more shit to the pile.

yellowdoggranny said...

I have the flashes periodically..your right ..sign of the ages..getting old ain't for sissies.

Pickleope said...

Yay, glad you aren't going to die. Boo, not having a simple explanation of the flashes. Sometimes I go to the doctor and I think, "Aww dammit, so I just have to guess what's wrong with me and try to make changes myself? Can I have a lobotomy instead?"

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, I'm glad everything checked out. At least they ruled out any horrible explanation!

Unknown said...

really glad . thanks for sharing!


Magic Love Crow said...

I'm really happy everything checked out ok!! Please take care of yourself! Don't over do it! Big Hugs!

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