Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, December 19, 2017


It's been a wet weather week so far. The past few days it has been misty and foggy. That's the kind of weather I love but it doesn't love me back. David said I would be right at home in the great northwest with the gloomy wet weather. Well yeah! If it rained every day and night without flooding and I had my young body back, I would be in heaven. Maybe in my next lifetime, I'll choose better.
Last Friday I was able to get my pain doc to let me try the diclofenac for my inflammation in my back. So far it seems to work. I still have pain but that's because of the pinched nerves from the degenerated discs. I will never get rid of that pain. But I'm taking the diclofenac once in the morning and once at night and it's only during the wet weather. I won't be taking this stuff all the time. Only when it's needed. Also, I have to let my regular family doctor know I'm on it now so he can monitor my kidney and liver health. 
Lucy, aka Bed Hog
Early this morning around 2:30 we had a thunderstorm. Spunky slept right through it because, well, the boy is deaf. Lucy, on the other hand, attacked me. Yes, she somehow got past the child gate and climbed into bed with us but she attacked the momma. She was panting so hard, the poor thing, she hates loud noises. So I wrapped her in the top blanket and sang her softly to sleep. The storm ended and I didn't have the heart to put her back into her bed. Yes, she stayed with us all the rest of the morning. Thank goodness the bed is a king size because she's a little bed hog. She stretches out when she sleeps and that means she takes over every unoccupied space. She didn't get up from bed until she heard David pouring kibble into the food bowls. Then I had the bed all to myself again.
About a year ago or maybe it was two. Fuck, I can't remember that far back. Anyhoo, I received a Roku from my step-daughter for Christmas. But since I don't watch that much TV, I never used it. Well, David has gotten sucked into binge-watching Stranger Things on his laptop. He asked me if I ever turned on the Roku and then before I answered he was watching the show on TV. Okay, so he won't bother me when he's off for Christmas vacation next week. If he should happen to run out of stuff to watch then I'll have a fair amount of outdoor chores for him to take care of. I'm ready for his ass this time. Yes, he will not get the better of me. I have enough stuff to keep him from bothering me until the 3rd of January next year. 


Birdie said...

I love Stranger Things and it’s not the genre I usually watch.

I hope the medication works for you. You deserve a break.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i have to get into stranger things! i could easily live in the PNW. i love it there and i love the weather!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You sound like a woman with a plan!

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! You and your hubby are so cute! LOL! Take care of yourself and those fur babies!

yellowdoggranny said...

so is diclofenac for pain or for inflammation? I have had 4 back surgeries and have bad back pain and horrible leg cramps from pinched nerve..if it will help..I might ask cujo to write me a script.

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