Halloween Countdown

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Monday, February 5, 2018

It's That Time Again

Yes! The Girls Scouts are out in force and it's so
hard to resist and stay on my diet.

It's just amazing.
They lie in wait for you and there is nowhere to hide.
I was caught off guard on my way out of CVS. 

 The tactics they use to get you to buy these expensive 
little boxes of goodies is getting aggressive.

I sware the Girl Scouts are drug pushers.

 I better get a case of wine to go with the
sixteen boxes of Samoas my dealer sold me. 
I can get back on my diet on Wednesday. Maybe.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

i love that the girl scouts in colorado sold them in front of the weed store. those girls are going to be very successful women!

anne marie in philly said...

I have not seen any tables outside my stores yet.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And each cookie is ONLY 1,000,000 calories!

Pickleope said...

It turns out that everyone I work with who has a Girl Scout daughter (and I know of at least 2) are afflicted with social anxiety or they are staging a passive aggressive intervention on me because I have not been approached to buy the minimum 5 boxes of Tagalongs (the clearly, objectively BEST flavor, don't @ me), despite my not being shy about a desire to hemorrhage money I can't afford at tiny cookie vendors.

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! I love the weed store with Girl Scout cookies! LOL! Have fun eating them!!

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