Halloween Countdown

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Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday - This and That

I've been hurting all weekend and I'm hurting today too. Well, enough of that shit. Last Friday, David had jury duty. It didn't take long for him to come home. They picked who the lawyers wanted and boom, he was home. He took a vacation day so it became a three day weekend for him. I spent the day in the living room and we conversed through chat online. Lucy was also sleeping the day away next to me on the couch. Oh, the life of a pampered puppy. 
On Saturday we went out for lunch with my step-daughter and I got to meet her boyfriend, Jack. He was so sweet, very polite and very talkative. I liked him right off and I could see the love in Jenna's eyes for him. We talked about all kinds of stuff. We must have been there eating and talking for an hour and a half because it was almost two o'clock when we left. They were going deer hunting after lunch. He gave us some ground deer meat and sausage. David loves sausage. After lunch, there was a Girl Scout cookie sale set up right outside the restaurant as we left. Oh yeah, GS cookies. David bought two boxes from the girls and we left. I was really feeling my back pain by then when my pills wore off before the car ride home. Yeah, I was screaming inside my head so I wouldn't ruin the time spent with my loved ones. Thank the Goddess it was only a fifteen-minute drive. 

When I got home I laid down on the couch with the heating pad after I took my pills. It was pure heaven when they finally kicked in. Just in time too because the cold front came in around that evening. I didn't even feel it. I had David bring my lemon trees in and my petunias too. They will be in for a couple of days and then the weather will get into the 70's again by Tuesday. 
Sunday, I washed five loads of laundry. In between the folding and moving laundry from the washer to the dryer I was watching the Olympics with my dear friend the heating pad. The opening ceremony was pretty cool. Well, I'm going to let Spunky outside so he can bark at the guys working on the road. I have a house to finish cleaning. Y'all have a magical day.


Toni said...

Five loads of laundry! OMG, no wonder you're in pain. Might as well join one of your hockey teams and let some random guy beat you with a stick! AT least you'll have padding!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Isn't a girl's best friend usually her . . . oh, never mind. Love that first image, it really made me laugh!

anne marie in philly said...

that first pix - yeah, that's me, every fucking Monday!

5 loads of laundry? for just the 2 of you? no wonder your back hurts!

Magic Love Crow said...

You make sure you take care of you! Happy to hear you had a great time with your step-daughter! Big Hugs!

Pickleope said...

Hope the pain abates. Glad you like the new sausage-providing boyfriend...hold on, there's a better way to have phrased that...

Linda d said...


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