Halloween Countdown

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Monday, March 5, 2018

A Miracle and Other Stuff

Something happened Sunday morning. It was unbelievable. I actually saw David replace the washer in the kitchen faucet. YES!!! He did it without me having to call the plumber. It was a miracle!! *Cue the choir music. Yes, he did it without getting water all over the counter or floor. The faucet isn't leaking anymore!! It was a Sunday morning blessed miracle!!! Yeah, after pestering the shit outta him to fix it for weeks, he finally did it. When he saw that he had fixed it without making at least five trips to Home Desperate he was so proud of himself that I just had to pat him on the back and tell him atta boy. Then I gave him a couple of cookies for his effort and he went off into the TV room grinning like a little boy.
For the next few days, we are supposed to be without the sun again. The temps have been in the 70's and 80's for two weeks now. Spring is here for us in South Texas. I have my windows and doors open for the fresh air and I'm sitting on the front porch typing and drinking my tea. My roses are going crazy growing and blooming all over the place. Every time I prune them back to keep them low they want to defy me and grow taller. So I just give up. Let them do as they like. The pecan trees are getting ready to bloom with leaves too. David loves the pecan trees but they don't love him. He gets to sneezing and sniffling in the spring. It usually lasts until the flower blooms finish and they fall. Then there's a green mist from the flower pollen covering everything including the cars. David has to go rent a power washer and clean the siding and roof of the house and also the pavers and driveway. The green mist is hard to get rid of otherwise.
We had a rather large visitor this past Saturday evening. I was washing the dinner dishes and happened to spot a hawk perched on our fence. I've seen hawks and buzzards fly high overhead trolling for chihuahuas and poodles but I've never seen one perch on our fence before. I called to David and we both watched it catch a little green lizard in the grass and then fly off. David said he has never seen a hawk that close up. He was quite mesmerized by how majestic it was.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

And bonus! Now your yard is little green lizard free!

anne marie in philly said...

burn the house down, it's easier.

DDD said...

A miracle and great weekend!!!

Magic Love Crow said...

You got me laughing about the cookies for David! LOL! Happy the kitchen faucet is fixed! We still have snow! I can't believe things are blooming for you already! The hawk sounds amazing! Poor little lizard! LOL! Big Hugs!

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