Halloween Countdown

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Monday, April 9, 2018

Crazy Witch's Day Book - Monday

How I Feel: How I feel? Well, I coughed up another fucking lung this morning and my voice is still cracking but I feel fine otherwise. I'm not huffing and puffing as I normally would with a bad cold. Lucy follows me like a shadow. I'm guessing she's worried I'm gonna croak any second. I'm slowly working my way out of it. I hope by Wednesday I'll feel 100%. We'll see.
What Happened Over The Weekend: The weather was awesome. We had a cold front come down our way and David acted like it was the end of the world, whining, why is it so cold? How come it's so cold? Say that in a nasally whiny voice to yourself. Sounds like a kid doesn't it. It got down to the low 40's Saturday and Sunday so I made a batch of chili for dinner on Saturday afternoon. That warmed him up. I spent the weekend wrapped up in my nice warm fake fur blanket with Lucy on the couch catching up on some TV shows I missed while I was sick. So glad we have DVR. David stayed in the TV room and watched his shows on Netflix. It was really nice. I didn't feel like doing anything at all so I basically vegged out.
David asked me about the little chihuahua in the front yard. I told him I call him little Paco. He lives down the street and terrorizes the cats and dogs in the neighborhood. He chases the cars and generally just causes havoc. If you don't watch out he'll chew your toes off. Yeah, he's a mean little fucker. David laughed at what I said because the little guy is just the tiniest little chihuahua he ever saw. I mean this tiny terror is no bigger than a dinner plate is wide. It would take 2 and a half of Paco to make a standard sized cat. Paco has been reeking havoc around the neighborhood, roaming the streets looking for trouble. I'll bet he has a gang and sells catnip to the cats on the side. Most likely has a team of little chihuahua ho's turning doggy tricks for dog treats.
What is Going on now: I was going to finish the laundry this morning but the washer quit working. I called Sears to get someone to come fix it but they won't be here until Thursday morning. No wonder Sears is going downhill. Their repair service sucks. I told David next time let's buy from a dealer we can trust with better service than Sears. Someone who will get here ASAP, not four days later. So, now I have 3 loads of laundry to tote down to the laundromat including the load that is sopping wet. Glad I have all those quarters in my little money tin for emergencies like this. I should be done in no time. It's just the dryer time here at home which will take all day. 
What I'm Watching: I brought my laptop with me to wash the clothes so I'm watching them wash in the front loaders. Wash time is 15 minutes in these washers. I'm wondering if maybe we should get one of these type of front loader washers instead of a top loader next time we buy. If anyone has a front loader washer, please sound off and let me know the good, the bad, and the ugly about them. I really want to know. 
I'm the only one in this place right now. Nobody except the lady that runs the place and does washing for other people that don't have the time. It's very dreary outside. Low clouds and rain, I'm loving it. I seem to thrive on this weather. David said he will be coming by in a few minutes to carry the laundry basket to the car for me and then carry it to the laundry room at home. I can't carry this monster. When I get home I'll probably read blogs and check the news. 


anne marie in philly said...

I LOVE the last pix! by time the laundry is finished, you WILL want a bong hit (or 5)!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

All your memes are stellar today! Paco sounds like a real little gem. And I hope your cold goes away soon!

I HATE front loaders and here's why: I don't think they clean anywhere near as good as a top loader with an agitator AND you always have to bend over to load and unload them, unlike a top loader, which is not a good idea if you have any kind of back issues.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Fuck Sears repairs, they charge too much. check out local appliance repairmen - they are just as good and cheaper and will probably come the same day.
the Ol'Buzzard

Ol'Buzzard said...

22 degrees this morning with a thirty know wind - snow is melting and roads are turning to mud. Springtime in Maine.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i HATE my front load washer and dryer. the water collects in the washer door and causes mold. you have to clean them all the time. it doesn't clean the clothes that well either. they dryer doesn't dry the clothes very well either. i have them in 4 houses and hate all of them!

Magic Love Crow said...

Sears went out of business in Canada!
Go Paco! LOL!
I hope you feel better soon! Sending you Big Healing Hugs!

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