Halloween Countdown

🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙Harris 2024 Walz💙🤍❤️💙🤍❤️💙🤍

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

David Has Tourettes

David has Tourettes. Yes. Yes, he does. How did I arrive at that diagnosis you ask? Well first, I saw a funny meme post from Twitter on Yellow Dog Granny's blog yesterday and it's posted at the top. Second, Yesterday, Comrade Orange had to come on the TV while we were eating lunch and David started muttering, "Dumb ass. Fucking moron."  As the telecast of Comrade Orange continued so did David's Tourettes. It got louder and uglier as Comrade Orange kept patting himself on the back. David's strange bout of Tourettes continued all the way out to his truck and probably all the way back to work. Poor David. He's much better today.


Harry Hamid said...

We could all help find him a cure by voting in the next couple elections!

anne marie in philly said...


Birdie said...

I think I have Trump Tourettes too.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

There's an epidemic of that going around these days!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

yep...i have it too. every time i see that fucknugget i break out in severe swears.

Mildred Ratched said...

I think it must be that R.I.N.(Republican Induced Nausea) bug that's going around. I find myself waking each day saying I need to turn on the boobtube to see if the Fucktard has gotten us in a war yet.

Note to self: Take 10 deep breaths and slowly say twatnozzle so it resonates!

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! Poor David!!

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