Halloween Countdown

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Monday, April 23, 2018

It's a Boy and a Broken Molar

She had a baby boy!!!
Yes! The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth at 1101 a.m. London time to a baby boy weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces. There was no known name for the little prince yet. The Duchess and little Prince are doing well.
I don't give a flying fuck if y'all don't like the royal family. I really don't care. I happen to love them with all their bad and good. I just happen to love them.
I broke a molar Friday night at dinner and immediately the pain started. I took a couple of Tylenol and went to sleep. But it didn't last. I was up most of the night in pain. Saturday morning I was hunting for a dentist's office that was open on the weekend. No such luck unless I wanted to make the trip out of town. So I am waiting for my dentist's office to open so I hopefully can get in. In the meantime, I'm going to take a couple of Tylenol yet again to offset the pain and go lie down for a bit. I'll blog again later. Y'all have a magical day.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The baby boy is MUCH better news than your broken molar! I hope you can get into the dentist today!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

and she had the baby on my birthday! sorry to hear about your tooth. hope you can get it fixed today!

Magic Love Crow said...

Yes, she had a healthy baby boy!
So sorry about your tooth! Hope it's fixed!
Big Hugs!

sanpiseth40 said...

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