Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Molar Gone and David is Dead Meat

It's 9:38 as I write this. I just finished getting my tooth pulled and I, of course, feel no pain right now. I will be hurting as soon as the novocaine wears off but for now, I'm glad this is all over. David thought it would be funny to call me just a few minutes ago and see how I sound. He was making all these strange noises like a person had their tongue and jaw all numb. Very funny laughing boy. You just wait. I'll get you, and your little dog too. 
Anyhoo they gave me a goody bag when I left. It has an ice pack bag and extra gauze. But I'm hardly bleeding from my tooth being pulled this time. I've only had to change the gauze out twice now. This whole weekend was painful with that damned broken tooth. I could only cook for David and not for me. I was stuck with chicken broth. The good thing is that I lost 8 pounds. I won't be eating anything good for at least three more days. ~sigh~
I'm not sure but Mercury must be in retrograde because everything is breaking down. The washer is screwed up again and the repairman will be here this afternoon. The tv in our bedroom has no sound. This morning we lost cable and phone. I had some sewing to do yesterday and my sewing machine wouldn't work. I give up, this is beginning to really piss me off now. I'm like WTF! The whole time I was driving to and from the dentist's office I'm thinking the car is going to break down, I just know it. Thankfully it didn't but that doesn't mean that it won't happen when I need to go someplace later on today. So, I am not touching anything electronic or anything that costs us big bucks for the rest of the week until this is over. I can't handle another thing breaking.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad the tooth is gone! Take the rest of the day off!!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

oh no, they pulled it? do you have to get an implant now? i have had the same kind of week. i can't believe the problems i've encountered! i won't even say, what's next because i don't want to know.

anne marie in philly said...

yay, the pain is gone! (and I'm not talking about david)

WTF when everything goes at once? sux.

Magic Love Crow said...

So happy the tooth is gone! I hope you're healing well!
Sorry about everything going bonkers at once!
big Hugs!

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