Halloween Countdown

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Monday, April 2, 2018


I'm posting late again, sorry. I'm getting over a really bad cold again. Does it count to say it's a blue moon cold because this is the second one in almost 4 weeks? Anywho, I finally got my voice back, partially a whisper and I'm not feeling like I'm gonna pass out everytime I stand. I actually changed bed linens and washed 2 loads of laundry this morning. My hacking and coughing kept David up at night. I finally went to the Texas Med Clinic on Sunday because I had trouble breathing. 
When I told Lucy to go attack daddy for me so I could get his attention. That didn't work. Lucy did jump up onto him and nearly licked him to death. He finally saw me wandering down the hallway bouncing off the walls, dizzy and having trouble breathing. I was dressed. I half whispered let's go to the clinic. I was wheezing harder than an asthmatic during a heavy spring pollen season. David said I was sounding and looking like a walker(zombie) from The Walking Dead. He preregistered me into the place and when We got there, nobody was in the waiting room. I was amazed. I was quickly put into a room and vital signs were taken. The doc came in listened to my complaint, listened to my lungs, had the nurse set me up with a breathing treatment, doc came back after the treatment and listened to my lungs and bronchial tubes and said I"m in the middle of a really bad cold right now and the doctor also said to come back and see her if this endless fucking coughing doesn't end by Tuesday. Yadda, yadda, boom. I'm back home coughing up a lung while David is on the internet again. Right now, today, I'm much better, a little out of breath, no wheezing, my voice cracks like a 15-year-old boy but I feel much better. 

David was home for a 4-day weekend and didn't tell me so I wasn't able to make a list of shit for him to do. The man hates yard work but he has a fascinating array or water sprinklers, last I counted was 7, I like the one that looks like a farm tractor. Really strange. He did get my car inspected. That was nice because it would have been on my list. Most of the weekend he put his earphones on so he couldn't hear he hacking up a fucking lung or some other organ in the bedroom. I did find a way to get him to do something. I realized long ago the phone in the bedroom has a very loud very bothersome warble to call on the intercom on its sister phone. It's annoying as hell but it works because the other phone sits directly next to his desk. Scared the dog shit outta him because he didn't know what it was. It gets louder and louder too. I like it.
Anywho, that was the reason I haven't been on some of the blogs because this shortness of breath made it quite hard for me to get around to reading. I'm trying to catch up on everything so please give me time. Oh, and I was looking back on my blogging entries during my earlier years. I was such a snarky bitch. But I remember I used to post the Witch"s Day Book. I'm going to be doing that again. I have finally exhausted almost every Hockey meme there possibly is. So, I'm bringing up that day book. Well, David is back from wandering around outside and I have laundry to finish. Ciao Y'all. Play nice and have a magical day.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, I hope you feel better soon! Love that meme "why she might be upset, part 1."

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