Halloween Countdown

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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Quick Note

This morning, just a smidgen after midnight, we had a nasty thunderstorm. Hight winds and a butt load of lightning. It seemed to go on forever. I was up until 1:30 with a very nervous Lucy watching the storm out the window. Well. this morning David woke up and said he never heard the storm at all. The man could sleep in the middle of a cattle stampede. Yes, Yes he could. 
Anyhoo, we lost a huge tree branch off one of the pecan trees. David, who didn't know about the storm, swore that we have some fat ol' squirrels around the neighborhood. I asked why and he said there was a large tree limb on the ground. I told him he must be deaf because we had a rather nasty storm. I asked him so you going to cut that beast up so the city can pick it up or are you going to just leave it? He decided he would cut it up so I wouldn't harp on him. Me? Harp? Really? I would never. 

Right now, it's a beautiful morning. Nice and cool in the high 60's with a slight breeze. So pretty. I have a lot of work to get to this morning. Y'all play nice and have a magical day.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

i think that storm is on it's way here!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Thor hates leprechauns" LOL!

Birdie said...

I think it’s I mens DNA to sleep soundly. I wake up, literally dozens of times throughout the night.

Love the memes.

Yarrow said...

I couldn't sleep through a flea fart, but my OH can sleep through the antics of two dogs sharing the same flea!!! It's my age, I think. I loved the story about the man with the Taser, lol :D x

vaiybora said...

Thank for your very good article! i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!


Magic Love Crow said...

I'm sorry about the storm! Your hubby makes me laugh! LOL! I'm glad the tree branch didn't cause any damage! Big Hugs!

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