Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Crazy Witch's Day Book

How I'm Feeling today:

I have my voice back again but it still changes now and then. Finally, I can speak on the phone but it makes my throat dry out and I start coughing and hacking like a heavy chain smoker. Shit, any movement makes me cough and hack, I just have to remember what the doctor told me to do. But I feel so much better. The prednisone pills are definitely working for me.
What is going on outside:

Today is beautiful and I'm watching the sun creep over the trees, slight breeze in the air is keeping it a morning pleasant. The roses are going fucking crazy blooming all over the place. The pecan trees are blooming too, Before long, David will be hacking like I am now. He bought this house with two giant pecan trees in the front yard. I love them but he gets bad pollen allergies in the spring. I just get bad colds that turn into bronchitis now and then.
What I'm doing:

I'm finishing the laundry today. I washed my pillows and now they are in the dryer. I love fresh pillows and I'm happy that I can wash them. David never heard of that. Believe me, it's great to have fresh smelling pillows when you change the linens only I wash my pillows once a month with that new Lysol laundry sanitizer for washing clothes. Great stuff. Right now I'm watching Hunt For Red October. I love that movie. Read all the Tom Clancy books too. I liked how they were never boring.
What I'm making for dinner:

When I made Jewish Penicillin for myself, with David's help three days ago, I decided to keep the chicken meat for later use and for the puppies dinners. It was a very meaty fryer that I used for the chicken soup, although I didn't put any meat in the broth. I thought about using the breast meat for chicken salad and maybe whatever I felt like eating.
Well, tonight I'm making shredded chicken chunk fricassee on rice with a side of carrot medallions. I won't be making the chicken fricassee with regular chicken gravy. I'm making it with a delicate garlic and button mushroom slices white sauce with fresh peas. I'm hoping to change David's mind on fricassee once and for all. He hates it. But I'm thinking he will love this. We will see.


anne marie in philly said...

it takes time for the prednisone to work. I cannot wait to start sneezing when we finally get things blooming up here; so far, it's still winter because we had snow yesterday.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like this new feature! (well, at least new to me). And I could use that billion dollar idea!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i wash my pillows often. i love the smell of clean pillows. borax works well! i saw that my trees are about to flower...uh oh....i am about to suffer!

Birdie said...

Chicken fricassee is one of my favourites!

I don’t wash my pillows because they are memory foam and end up weighing 22, 000 pounds from all the water it sucks up. I do have a zippered protector then I double pillow case. I’m weird about my pillow and travel with it. I also replace if every couple of years. And I won’t/can’t sleep without it.

Magic Love Crow said...

I this Crazy Witch's Day Book! Mom washes our pillows too! Your food sounds so good! Yummy! I love the first video! LOL! I don't think I have ever seen a pecan tree? Big Hugs!

Magic Love Crow said...

I meant to say "I like this Crazy Witch's Day Book!

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