Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Wow! Done!

I can't believe I got all that stuff done in record time and I'm home. The repair guy just left too. He was waiting for me when I pulled into the carport. The call didn't cost as much as I thought it would. He reset the motherboard in the washer and everything is hunky dory again. I just can't wash pillows anymore. I'll have to use the nasty washers at the laundromat for that.
Lucy was really nice too. She was all curious about the guy but didn't jump on him like she used to do with strangers. She was very respectful, even shook his hand. I was impressed. I have been working with her when people come over to visit. She seems to have gotten the idea of being a good little dog and not being obnoxious.
We are expecting a front through here sometime this evening. I can't wait for it to pass. I'm feeling the pain in my back and it's not good today. Driving around wasn't helping all that much either. I was so glad that I was able to finish my errands and finally get back on the heating pad. David will have to cook tonight because this is a bit much for me.
Oh, all of you that commented and emailed me your horror stories about your front loader washers, thank you. I showed David all the evidence and he said we will stick with top loader washers until doomsday. I am so glad y'all helped me on this. Thank you so much for your input. It really saved us in the future. 
Well, I have laundry to catch up on. Y'all play nice and have a magical day.


anne marie in philly said...

that washer looks like it's throwing up and its "eyes" are all googly!

happy to hear the washer was a quick fix!

Anonymous said...

I have a top loader Maytag from 1987 brand new it is still working fine, knock on wood, been thru tons of dryers though so I hang my clothes in our garage and put a few in the dryer on low and watch it like a hawk..As for those side washers and dryers I have had many friends who had them and had them take it back after a few months a big pain the ass as it was stated to me..They boast a good deal but I think it full of crap, top loader for me and a maytag dryer is coming our way a friend gave it to me to get rid of it and to be used it was built in 1988 so should be good for a few more years..ciao!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love that photo of the front loader! It says it all.

Birdie said...

Appliances these days are garbage and are doing nothing more than creating more landfill. Give me a Harvest Gold appliance that lasted 25 years plus.

Yarrow said...

I'm glad you got your washer sorted, I hate the insecurity when an appliance has a tantrum. Bless little Lucy, what a sweet girl. Hope your back pain eases soon.x

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so happy everything went well! And, I'm proud of Lucy too! Big Hugs!

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