Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

It's Tuesday - I Ain't Got Nuthin

Starbucks is closed today to teach their workers to be less biased or should that word be prejudiced. Yeah, right. As long as that Screaming Carrot Demon in the Oval Office continues to spew forth hate against Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and Women, and until he and his enabling republicunt cronies are taken out of office we will have this fucking crap continuing. REGISTER and VOTE IN NOVEMBER!!! VOTE BLUE!!!
Okay, I'm done ranting. This past weekend I just relaxed and let David do his laundry. The only time I did anything was on Monday. Saturday I had a nasty migraine that nearly tried to take over my weekend. I nipped it fast. I still have a headache but it's a crying kitten trying in vain to get out of its cage. I've been taking aspirin to keep it controlled and it seems to be working. I was also feeling awful like I needed to go lie on the sofa for a bit. I wasn't feeling so great. It was almost flu-like so I had to take a nap and it seemed to work.  It's all part of the MCTD thingy I guess.
I'm wearing my leg brace like a good girl. I was walking without my brace last night to the bathroom to take a shower and for some reason, my knee slipped and slightly bent to the left inwards. Scared the fucking shit balls out of me. Why the fuck would my knee bend unnaturally sideways? I have a question about that when I see my Orthopedic surgeon tomorrow afternoon. I still worry when I'm not wearing it at night so I always leave the bedroom door open and I take my cane when I leave to get water from the kitchen. Otherwise, I still have another month and a half to wear this thing. 


jaz@octoberfarm said...

keep the knee brace on!!! haha! have you ever tried excedrine migraine? my god they are little miracles. nothing else i ever used helped like these do.

jaz@octoberfarm said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hang in there -- sounds like everything's going not too badly, all things considered. Love that (very accurate) first meme. And I'm stealing the Build a Bear one for my upcoming Translesbigayapalooza Fest!

anne marie in philly said...

"build a bear" - OMB, so damn funny!

Magic Love Crow said...

Giving you Big Hugs! As Debra said, hang in there!!! Wish I could do more!!
Even when you are in pain, you always make me laugh! Thank you! LOL!

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