Halloween Countdown

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Monday, May 7, 2018

Monday - I'm going back to bed

It's Monday. I survived the weekend. I didn't have to use my bail money, hide a body or go to the ER. *knock wood* David pretty much handled everything this weekend with my hollerin at him to do it. But things got done. I actually made dinner. YES! Yes, I did. It wasn't much though. I just made a salad and sloppy joe's. I cheated using Manwich. Yes, I cheated. I used canned. Believe me, when I say this, David loves canned but he loves it more when I make the sauce from scratch using tomatoes. Even though making dinner was easy, I was so tired after getting dinner ready that I didn't want to eat. Trying to stand or walk on a badly pulled hamstring takes up all my energy. I had to go lie down with my leg up for 10 minutes before serving dinner. I'm so grateful for David because he understands.
Sometime this week, I have to go get blood drawn. 14 vials of it. I'm seeing a new specialist and he wants the testing all done before I go back to see him. So I need to get me some orange juice and cookies for when I finish letting them bleed me dry. Fucking vampires.
Bed Hog aka Lucy
I didn't sleep well last night because a certain little bed hog somehow opened up the bedroom door and took over the bed. I ended up watching the news at 2:20 this morning. Now, this little bed hog knows she's not supposed to come into the bedroom and sleep with David and me unless it's thundering or there are fireworks. I still don't know how she got past the child gate either. We made it climb proof. You know, barbed wire, landmines, man-eating Gestapo dogs and a steaming hot bathtub full mind altering bath bubbles. How she got through all that we don't understand. All I have to say is tonight before we go to bed, I need to add piranha. Y'all have a magical day. I'm going back to bed for a quick nap.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Are you sure that Lucy's last name isn't Houdini?

anne marie in philly said...

awwwwwwwwwwwww, wook at dat innocent widdle face!

Birdie said...

She may not be allowed up on the bed but she sure is cute!

Magic Love Crow said...

Keep taking care of yourself! You have alot of healing to do! Lucy is so cute! Big Hugs!

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