Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Opps! I Did it Again

"Please don't get upset . . . but . . . I fell again." Those were the exact words I uttered when phoned my husband, David yesterday afternoon. Yes. I fell but this time it wasn't on anything slippery like water. This time my right leg did the "chicken" and bent backward instead of frontwards when I took a step into the laundry room. I was more scared than hurt. My first thought was that I left the phone on the coffee table in the living room. I was thinking, oookay, I'm screwed now. The second thing I wondered was why did I not hurt so bad when I fell on my ass. I then reached back and found the bag of tortilla chips I was going to put away was underneath me and flat as a pancake. I landed on the new bag and it cushioned my landing. They paid a terrible price for saving my ass from added pain. Poor tortilla chips gave their life for me. I decided to check my legs and I was fine. Then, I pivoted my butt around so I could pull myself up by clutching onto the washer. I grabbed my cane to test the waters so to speak and took a step with my left good leg first. So far so good. Now my bad leg. Not so bad, I could walk but be mindful of my steps. I grabbed my tea and walked oh so carefully by keeping my right knee bent, to the sofa and called David. After I hung up with him I called my knee surgeon's office and made an appointment to see him on Wednesday. He will be so thrilled to see me. I'm thinking I'm financing his vacation home or boat. Whatever. So I will let all y'all know what will happen on Thursday morning. So far, I'm hurting again in my right knee today. That means I have to be mindful of how I walk. No stairs unless David helps me and I need to keep my leg up on a pillow. David will Have to cook until I can get used to walking on the pain again. 
So I'm cutting this short and going back to the bedroom to put my leg up. Sorry y'all.


BBC said...

Sorry about your problems.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

oh no!!! at least you didn't do more damage! stay in bed!

anne marie in philly said...

E GAD! girl, cut this out and heal thyself!

Genevieve said...

Oh you poor dear! Well, I’m guessing you’re just going to have to be served on by your sweetie David for a while. That’s not a bad thing. Rest now, we’ll hear from you when you’re ready. Take it easy.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh no, what terrible timing for another fall! But at least those heroic tortilla chips saved the day. Take it easy and I hope you don't fall again!

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so sorry!!!! Another fall?? No more!!!! I'm glad the tortilla chips were there to help you! Big Hugs!

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