Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, June 7, 2018

Good News and Weird Shit

I had a few ideas thrown at me in the comments from my last post about my pills. I do have a large pill caddy just like the one posted in the picture above. David got us both pill packs when I started having trouble keeping track of my dosages. It's an AM/PM pack which is perfect. I'm just having trouble keeping track of my antibiotic pills that I have to take three times a day. I forget if I took it even though I probably did already. Like I said my short term memory is so fucked up, hence the post-it notes.
Anywho, I'm a happy camper. I saw my doctor yesterday and he was really happy about my blood tests. Everything was in the normal range for once. My fasting blood glucose was 86 last time it was 99 and my A1c was 5.8 where my last reading was 6.3. I was so fucking happy because I have been working hard to eliminate sugar from my diet completely. My white count was high indicating that the UTI is still being fought tooth and nail. I have to give another urine sample and CBC when the antibiotics are finished. One of the problems with MCTD is UTI's that can lead to kidney infections. I have to keep an eye on that. I can't afford to lose my kidneys. Oh, and something funny came up on my record. Since all the doctors have gone computerized, meaning anything put into the computer on a patient like x-rays, MRI's, blood test results, anything. It means any doctor can look up your history and see your junk, and that includes a picture of the patient on the record so that the doctor knows he has the right patient at that time. Weeellll, my picture came up from the picture I have plastered on my blog. Yes for some strange reason the computer program that they use takes shit from the world wide web and it grabbed this:
Now, what is so funny is that none of my doctors have known about this. They don't pay attention apparently except the PA that was at my doctor's office yesterday. I heard her saying but that's not a picture of my patient. I said I don't have a picture because I want to remain anonymous on the web. I said that picture sums up my life so far. It comes from this meme.
I don't know who drew that or who came up with it. I wish I knew because it fit's my life to a tee. I have searched the web and can't find the original owner. So, if anyone knows, please tell me who it is so I can talk to that person. Anywho, the PA thought it was so unprofessional that I let the doctor use it. He knows me, he thinks it's funny.
Lucy is out cold napping right now. She is such a diva. Yesterday I was doing my nails and Lucy came up to me and put her paws on my knees. She does that when she wants her nails done too. I have a special nail file that I use to make it seem like I'm doing her nails. She loves the attention. When I'm done she looks at them and gives me a cute wide smile as a thank you. David said I have ruined that child. In my defense, I did not ruin Lucy, she was that way when we got her. She was a diva from the start. When we acquired her, she had her toenails painted bright red and a red bow headband was on her head. She was like that from the beginning so I'm innocent of any wrongdoing. I just compounded it tenfold over the years. That's all. But all y'all didn't hear that part from me. 


The JR said...

That's funny about the picture. My dr.'s office took my mug shot with their own little camera kin to the one at the DMV that also takes horrible pictures.

Who makes these camera's that can make you look so awful and so different than what you see staring back at you from the mirror.

Lucy is a doll. How cute she wants her nails done. Most puppies hate it.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

hmmmm...wonder if winnie would let me paint her nails? is there fast drying nail polish? it's too funny about the photo!

anne marie in philly said...

and just what is so wrong with spoiling a furkid? NOTHING!

Toni said...

Scary what's on the web about all of us. Praise all that is good that there was no web in the '70's and '80's!

Glad you're doing so much better.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yay for good test results! And how hilarious that your blogger pic is used at your doctor's office!

Harry Hamid said...

It's fantastic that your numbers came up better, but the woman in the picture doesn't seem happy about it.

yellowdoggranny said...

ok, that made me laugh and laughs are hard to come by lately..thanks

Magic Love Crow said...

I'm so happy about the good test results! Your blogger pic coming up is hilarious!!! LOL! Love you Lucy! LOL! Maybe you can do my nails?? LOL! big Hugs!

Ol'Buzzard said...

I would never keep up with my meds if my wife didn't maintain a pill case.
take care
the Ol'Buzzard

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