Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

It's Tuesday - Baby Steps; Fuck You!

One thing at a time. I just dust mopped the whole house and the dust bunnies attacked me. No really! Every time I thought I had one, another would break free and run. So I gave up and just wet mopped the floor. David is going to kill me for doing it because of my back but fuck it, the house is a mess. It needs to be cleaned. So I'll do a little each day.
I hate MCTD. Last week I was having dizzy spells. This week's door prize is I'm having trouble remembering shit. My short term memory is shot all to hell. Would you believe I walk around the house with a pad of sticky notes and a pen just in case I have an idea? It's true. I leave little notes all over the house and if I happen to see one I'll go read it. It might be something important. I also have to leave a sticky note that I need to take or already took my pills. Do you know I take 12 pills in the morning and 9 at night? You know you're a pro if you can down 12 pills with one swallow of water. The vitamin D is huge. That fucker is the size of a grade A egg.  Sometimes I walk around the house wondering if I'm missing something. David always calls me throughout the day to ask if I took my morning pills. What are you making for dinner? Do you want me to pick up anything? Are the puppies in the house? Do they have water? Did you feed them? I know I have a short term memory problem and he wants to help me but fuck, give it a rest. It's not alzheimer's. Sometimes, just to make the phone conversation fun, I'll ask him what he's wearing. It takes him a couple minutes to answer and then I'll ask if he's smiling. 


The JR said...

gosh dang, from reading your blog..........I think we have a lot of the same problems. Back problems - check. Bad knee - check. A whole chit pot of medicines - check. Can't remember squat - check.

A hunky plaything husband with a big A$$ saw - check. Who loves home desperate - check. And who screws up errrrrrr I mean fixes things - check.

take care,

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I find those marked Sunday-Saturday dosette containers to be helpful in remembering whether I've taken my pills or not. Have one for your morning pills and a differently coloured one for your night pills. I have three dosettes for morning, supper and bedtime. The bedtime one is black leather, baby, because I'm a badass like that.

Pickleope said...

That sounds very frustrating and difficult. When you're getting attacked by dust bunnies, the only thing to do is fight back, despite the pain. If there's a bright side, you may want to start videoing your morning pill routine, downing 12 pills with one swallow of water is definitely somebody's fetish (isn't everything). You could be getting paid for this...maybe...I think.

Magic Love Crow said...

I only take a couple of vitamins! I don't know how you keep it all straight! Good luck to you my friend!!
When I see the dust bunnies fly, I tell my mom, it's because we have clean dust. Dirty dust sticks! LOL! Big Hugs!

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