Halloween Countdown

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Monday, June 4, 2018

Pain, Exhaustion, and Lucy Explodes

I did everything yesterday and there is nothing to do now. I thought of sitting outside, reading under the umbrella but it's too fucking hot and the humidity makes it worse. Feels as if the devil farted in your face when you open the door. Yeah, it's summer. I long to feel the cool breezes of autumn on my skin. I wish we could punch in a code and have the season we want all the time. * heavy sigh* So, I'll just sit here with the arctic chill of my AC blowing. I would give my soul for cool autumn all year long, CALM DOWN SATAN!! It's just a thought. I didn't write it in my own blood . . . yet. I'm just thinking about it.
I did overdo it outside yesterday morning. I was outside trimming the roses and watering the potted plants and I forgot about the sun beating down on me. I started feeling bad about 8:25 and went inside to lie down for a bit. David made me a large ice pack out of a ziplock bag because I was hurting everywhere. My muscles were aching so bad. Lucy spent her day with me in the bedroom watching over me. Poor little thing. She was visibly shaking. I'm guessing it was because of what happened to me a month ago when I fell and there were so many good looking buff firefighters and EMTs in the house. She's such a little worry wort. 
Anywho, I feel a little better but my body still hurts. If I get just a bit warm the pain gets worse. So today I'm reading in the living room where the AC will hit me dead on. I feel tired like I didn't sleep and I have no appetite. I hate this shit.
Something new about Lucy. Saturday, I was striping the bed to change the linens and she was jumping on the bed. When she was getting ready to jump off the bed, she suddenly sneezed and farted at the same time. She looked at David and me as we were laughing at what she did. I congratulated her on her first explosion. Yes, that's what I call it when you sneeze and fart at the same time. If you don't understand, just think about it a bit or email me and I'll explain it to y'all.


anne marie in philly said...

poor lucy - coming out both ends, sweet lil girl!

farts are ALWAYS funny; I don't care what chronological age you are!

The JR said...

We probably only have old, fat and ugly EMT's and Fire Fighters that would respond to our house. So, I'd better stay up on 2 feet. Wouldn't want those kind of creepy guys pawing all over me.

I guess I've never heard of that kind of explosion before. Now, just ask me about sneezing and then needing a depends. I know all about that.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

teddy used to look at me when she farted as if i had done something to her! chows don't fart much...thank god! i need to live in a fall/winter place all year long!

Toni said...

Our first triple digit day of the summer was Saturday, I feel your pain, except I stayed inside and then took a drive to the mountains where it was only 85 degrees.

I hope you feel better fast, then slowly get back in to the activities of daily living. Lots of water! LOTS!

Birdie said...

An explosion! For me, add peeing a little. πŸ˜‚

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, the world of farts! Is there anything funnier? No.

Magic Love Crow said...

Poor Lucy! LOL! Keep cool my friend and take care of you! Big Hugs!

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