Halloween Countdown

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Monday, September 10, 2018


I had to go get the x-ray of my right knee this morning. Of all days for it to rain it has to do it today when I have to walk almost a quarter mile from my car to get into the hospital. First world problems, right? I shouldn't complain but now I'm hurting and I just want to go curl up with the puppies in bed and read. I might just do that later.
David is sick. The poor man has a bad cold and I have to stay away from him so I'm sleeping in the living room with Lucy. I have a problem with colds turning into bronchitis. So I have to avoid him and I feel bad. The thing is that when he gets sick he never lets it get him down. He fights it. He's at work infecting other office workers around him. It should be fun watching how many co-workers fall prey to this. I made him chicken soup to help him fight it. As with all colds, three is the rule. Three days coming, three days with it, and three days going. It started on Sunday morning so it should be gone so his cold should be gone by next Monday. I hope.
Friday was our sixteenth wedding anniversary.  I really didn't feel like going out so we didn't celebrate. I found a funny video to make him laugh. I'm posting it tomorrow. I told him it was us at night where I'm not sleeping and he's farting in his sleep. The cat hitting the dog that farted is what I would love to do to him sometimes because his farts are rather ripe. We sometimes have heated discussions about my farts as opposed to his and I just say I shoot out tiny puffs of glitter that sounds like unicorn laughter and smells like rainbows. He just walks away shaking his head because he can't fight like I do.


Ol'Buzzard said...

When I was a teenager in the fifties I never knew that girls farted. Boy, did I have a rude awakening.
A different time with different social values.

David's farting in bed probably keeps the zombies away by covering up the smell of living humans - it must work since you haven't been attacked during the night.
the Ol'Buzzard

The JR said...

I think the man farts have deaden their sense of smell and they cannot possible know how bad they stink... Can you tell we've had that same conversation too.

anne marie in philly said...

correct - we ladies are glitter and strawberries, the men are brussels sprouts and onions.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"tiny puffs of glitter that sounds like unicorn laughter and smells like rainbows" -- hahahahahaha, but of course! And I'm stealing that fart meme for future consideration.

Birdie said...

I can outfart my husband anyday of the week in sound and smell. Yes. I am proud of this.

Magic Love Crow said...

You always make me laugh Leeanna! Thank you! LOL! I hope your knee is ok!

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