Halloween Countdown

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Monday, October 15, 2018

It's Monday

It is cold and rainy outside this morning. I had to bring in my lemon trees, pineapple, and hanging baskets of bougainvilleas and petunias. It's 47 degrees right now and it will be in the 40's and 50's for a while this week. If David had built that greenhouse I wanted, all these plants would be out inside the greenhouse instead of in my pantry/laundry room with a grow light. I'm pissed. I'm thinking this will only be a temporary temperature drop because we usually have warm weather after the cold spell and then our usual cold weather kicks in around December. So, because of the cold and rain, I'm making my favorite potato corn chowder. David wants tomato soup so he's having that. Anywho the potatoes are simmering right now and the bacon has been crisped up. When the potatoes are done I'll add the creamed corn, canned milk, minced celery leaves, bacon, and onion and let that simmer for a little while longer. I'm making enough for freezing for later this week.
You know how they say pain lets you know you are still alive. Well, I have never felt so alive as I have this past week. I was in a world of hurt for the past 4 days until the cold front passed this morning around 2 am. I hate the fact that my back hurts so much before a front comes through that it makes my legs feel like they're going to pop off my body. The pain travels down my legs and because of that I lose sleep until I get relief which is very rare. Even painkillers don't work for me. It might be getting near time for another radiofrequency ablation. That procedure kills my pain anywhere from 2 months to 2 years. It's a crapshoot because sometimes it might not work at all. What's really bad is that it is the only thing out there that works for my back. So right now I'm still in pain, just not as bad as the past 4 days. 
Yesterday David and I went up to San Marcos to have a wonderful lunch with his daughter and new husband. We went to Saltgrass Steak House and had an awesome time. They presented us both with birthday cards and Visa prepaid cards worth $100 each. I gave David mine as an "I'm sorry" gesture. You see, I forgot his birthday last week so I was in the doghouse. He's happy now and I'm out of the doghouse for a while. 


The JR said...

rut row...... forgetting the birthday. Yea, I could see him being mad.
So sorry you've been hurting. Pain sucks. I don't like pain. And I'm my on reason why I have so much of it now.
I have not been sleeping well either. If I over do it my leg keeps me up half a night.
My back hurts if I do anything. Heck even sitting for a long time.

Your soup sounds good. Glad to hear somebody else uses the celery leaves. That was really sweet of his daughter and her hubby. Take care.

Birdie said...

Uh, oh. How long did it take you to remember?

I hope your pain goes away soon. Or at least eases some.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, generous birthday gifts! Plus yours acted as a "get out of the doghouse free" card, so that's a bonus!

anne marie in philly said...

you were IN PAIN! you had an excuse to forget! besides, he didn't build your greenhouse, so...

jaz@octoberfarm said...

isn't it usually the guys that forget the birthdays? uh oh!

Magic Love Crow said...

That chowder sounds so yummy! I'm sorry you're in so much pain!!! Bad girl, forgetting David's birthday! LOL! Big Hugs!

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