Halloween Countdown

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Monday, October 8, 2018


Sorry for posting so late but I overslept. David is home because. Just because. We stayed up late last night watching The Walking Dead. They started their 9th season and it's mainly going to be how the living re-establishes their new world lives. There are no cars to get around, only horses or walking. Although they are making ethanol with corn it's very little. I think it will be fun to see how humans live in a post-zombie apocalypse. They also started something else in the show. They showed how they do things or where they shot a scene in the show. I find it interesting how and where they filmed. 

David mowed the lawn this morning before it started to rain again. He got it all done in the nick of time too. It's been raining off and on all week and it finally stopped long enough for him to mow and to also fill the waterbed. Every six months we have to refill and put conditioner in the bed. Over time air builds up as the water molecules break down. So it has to be done. We also got all the sir air out of it too. Not much work to it. It's just a two-person workload. 
David broke the gear shift in my car. He was getting ready to go get his haircut Saturday and was putting the gearshift in reverse when it the button that you push disintegrated in his hand. It was the strangest thing. He was so upset. He took his truck, got his hair cut and came back and looked up how to change the gearshift on a 2004 Honda Accord. There it was, on Youtube. He was so happy. The channel on Youtube even had the place where you could buy the parts that you need to replace on my car. If we had had the car taken to the dealer to get the $9 button part changed out would have surely cost us about $200. The plastic gearshift deeley bopper shipped this morning so we should get it in the mail by Wednesday. I have no place to go until the 24th which is 2 weeks from now so I'm not hurting to go anywhere.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm impressed that David is fixing that gear shift -- thank goodness for YouTube, eh?

Birdie said...

A good excuse to stay home. I love excuses to stay home.

Zombywoof said...

Yeah, I just hate when sir gets in the water

Leanna said...

Oh, shut up.

Magic Love Crow said...

Do they still make water beds? I haven't heard of anyone having a water bed in ages! Are they comfortable Leeanna? David is pretty handy to fix the gear shift! Good for him! Big Hugs!

The JR said... has helped me more than one time. Usually, I'm at the house trying to fix or make something. And need to know how to change a sawzall blade or one time undo a rachet strap. I told the hubby.......well, if you've never done don't know how.

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