Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Semi Bitch Session About Halloween

Have any of you noticed Christmas decor is on display in stores and Halloween isn't even here yet? Yeah. It's so upsetting. By the time Christmas gets here we'll be so bored with it. 
David and I went to Home Desperate Sunday after lunch and the first thing you see are Christmas trees. Lots and lots of Christmas trees lit up and lots and lots of Christmas lights and decorations and shit. We finally saw the Halloween decorations way near the middle front area, all kinds of cool Halloween stuff. I was like a little kid having fun activating all the animation figures. There was a huge werewolf that howled and skeletons that laughed. I was in child heaven. I found a couple of really big fuzzy spiders that I wanted to buy but David said no.
I just wanted to scare the living shit out of the ankle biters. Is that too much to ask for? David said it would be a waste of money to buy Halloween decorations and candy for trick or treaters because their moms drag them to the local churches that evening and they celebrate it there. Nobody goes house to house around here. Ain't that a crying bitch! Kids will never know the fun in running from house to house yelling "trick or treat" and getting free candy. Then later, pouring out all the cool candy and taking inventory of the good stuff on their bed thinking they have more than enough candy to last the year until Easter. Kids are missing out on a part of a great childhood. It's a terrible shame.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

they come here! i get over 200 kids! i'm the only one on the street that passes anything out. they come in carloads from all over the city and i always run out.

The JR said...

We live so far out that we've never had a trick or treater at the house.

I love the horse skeletons. Although, I'm not paying the price for it because we don't decorate.

lol.......there is one house that is decorated to the max. everytime we pass by I say they just ain't right..... Hubby agrees.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's true -- Halloween has changed. Hell, I remember when HOMEMADE treats were given out to trick or treaters, and they could be trusted to be SAFE!

anne marie in philly said...

shit, my grocery store put out Halloween candy the first week of august! I get so stabby this time of year; too much hype for nothing "holidays". if I ruled the world, oct-mar would be removed from the calendars!

Pickleope said...

Yeah, I used to care about when Christmas stuff came out, then it was pointed out that most retailers depend on Christmas sales to cover their year, so I'm surprised they don't put Christmas stuff all year. I too have no trick or treaters at our house, but I do still have a few bags of chocolate. You know, just in case. Definitely not so that I have an enormous supply of sweets for me.

SixpenceNotthewiser said...

Ugh. I can't with people and their one-month-ahead holidays. All the excitement is gone. And I can't believe kids don't do trick-or-treating! so much fun. they're missing out.

Magic Love Crow said...

It's not the same!! It is too bad! I remember getting homemade candy apples! Loved them!! Big Hugs!

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