Halloween Countdown

🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙Harris 2024 Walz💙🤍❤️💙🤍❤️💙🤍

Thursday, October 11, 2018

This Man Went to Extremes to Sell His Suzuki

I showed this on my blog when this Youtube video first aired. I wondered, who would buy a vehicle with all that mileage after going to the moon and back and not to mention into the future if that's where it went. I'm also wondering if he sold it. But it's a fun video and the guy has some mad skills. Enjoy - again.


Birdie said...

Wow! That is epic!

The JR said...

I haven't seen that one. tough little car :)

Sixpence Notthewiser said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I don't remember ever seeing this before, but it is FABULOUS!

Magic Love Crow said...

I haven't seen this before! It's brilliant!! Big Hugs!

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