Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, November 1, 2018

It's Thursday

Pretty morning this morning. A nice icy cold breeze is blowing. Last night the cold front came through with a bang. The weather guys said it would be here at around 8 or 8:30 last night. The wind pushed it through right around 6:20 when the news was finishing up. As soon as the wind hit I knew that was the front because my back pain snapped. It was gone. We had a nasty electrical storm and heavy rain in our part of town with high winds. I was sitting with my heating pad when it hit and the winds broke a few branches on the pecan trees in the yard but it was spooky nice for Halloween. Perfect for takeoff time. I got a great headwind and was gone most of the night. Wait, that wasn't supposed to . . .  I didn't get much sleep because the guy across the street has a car alarm problem and wouldn't pull the cable. So the bitch kept sounding it's alarm every 20 minutes or so.
Anywho, I spent most of the morning turning on space heaters for the puppies. One in the TV room for Spunky and the other in the living room for my lemon trees that are three feet high now, and for Lucy. She refuses to sleep with Spunky because he barks at anything and everything.
Hey y'all, this weekend we turn back the clocks and Daylight Saving Time will be over. Yes; yes it will. We will all, well, most of us, will get an extra hour of sleep on Sunday morning. I always wondered what the hell is DST for anyways. It's about as useful as tits on a turtle.


The JR said...

That same front hit Mississippi later on. We lost power during the night. Not sure what time. If the horses all fart at the same time, we lose power now. I guess the idiot limb cutting crews that whacked our pear trees to death didn't bother to cut the correct limbs that needed it.

It's raining now. A dreary yucky day.

p.s.: kitty Splotch came home and she was sick. Like a head cold. She must have felt bad and found her a hidey hole somewhere. I took her to the vet. Have her locked up to keep an eye on her.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i hope i live long enough to see the end of DLS. it's one of the things i hate most about this country. well, at least before the clown got elected. now i guess it's at the bottom of my list.

anne marie in philly said...

DST sucks and should be abolished.

Magic Love Crow said...

I don't understand why we turn our clocks back? The only thing I do like is the dark nights! We had a power surge this morning. It was raining hard, but no thunder and lightening. Big Hugs!

greekwitch said...

I am sorry your back is still better at predicting the weather than meteorologists will ever be.. I hope you are better now my love... Brightest blessings !

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