Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

It's Tuesday

Today is the day. if you haven't done so and you are registered, get your ass out there and vote you lazy fucker! I can't say it enough, please, go vote. Yesterday my brother called me and complained that he can't wait until all the commercials for all the lying candidates are over. I agreed. I'm tired of all the lies and backbiting too. Thank the Goddess it will be all over tonight. 
It's a foggy morning. A fitting morning to the weather that will be blowing through here soon. Yes, my back is feeling it. We have 2 cold fronts screaming through here in the next 2 days. The temperatures are supposed to drop substantially into the mid 40's to 50's. Not happy right now though. I'm living on my heating pad and pain meds. Hopefully, this will pass quickly by Thursday.
This time change has taken a toll on the puppies. Yesterday, Spunky was standing in the recliner in the TV room and howling for his dinner. I also had Lucy staring me down. I could almost hear her thoughts yelling at me, "MOM! It's dinner time! I'm starving to death!" Yeah right. These little fuzzy butts have never starved a day in their lives. I know they are on a regular time schedule and all but this happens every time Daylight Saving time is over. I might be a little devious by sticking to the time change and making them wait an hour for dinner but I tend to melt a little when they whine at me. Whining always sound like they are in pain.
Jeeze this is a long post. David just called me to say he ordered the honey ham and the turkey breast for Thanksgiving. We were thinking of just the ham but I wanted the turkey and since David hates turkey, I asked him if I could at least have the turkey breast instead of the whole bird. So he ordered the two items and we will be picking them up on Wednesday. This saves us from having to hunt around for a good ham that is frozen through leaving you to defrost it for days in the refrigerator. When we order from the butcher at the meat market it tends to be much cheaper and I can bake the ham the next day. Not a problem.
Well, I need to clean house and get a couple of loads of laundry done. All y'all play nice, have a magical day and go VOTE. 


The JR said...

I’ve been out yesterday and today with my back
Hope you are feeling better

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i am sitting here counting the minutes. it is so windy here with a huge cold front rolling in. it will be 22 degrees here on saturday night. please goddess let me wake up to good news tomorrow! the w's do not like the one hour change either!

anne marie in philly said...

spouse and I voted early this morning; heavy turnout at our polling place.

Magic Love Crow said...

I'm so sorry about your back! I hope you're feeling better! Ham and turkey! Yummy! Can't wait till Christmas! Big Hugs!

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