Halloween Countdown

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Saturday, December 29, 2018

You Spammers!! And Other Shit

Just in case you didn't notice, I have changed the comment monitoring. Before I didn't care but lately, some of you slimy fuckers from other countries like the areas of Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, you know who the fuck you are, have been taking advantage of my blog and posting spam on my comments. I don't really care for that. If you would have left well enough alone and just posted something about the blog post and kept your flagrant spamming shit to yourselves it would have been fine. BUT NOOOooooooooOOOOO!
You slimy spamming bastids leave me no choice but to have to monitor all post comments from now on and make poor honest people who love my blog because it's a great place to steal content from, wait to see their comments in lights. All I'm saying is I'm going to be slashing you muther fuckin spammers off my blog from now on. All comments are monitored. NO MORE SPAM!! 
Okay, I got that out of my system. I have a pressure headache today. It's on the left side of my face and temple area and it's throbbing like hell. It's making me irritable too. I'm going to go back to bed soon. It's really quiet around here today. It's much too cold and windy to go outside so I've been reading other blogs, emailing friends, enjoying the quiet. David is catching up with Netflix. He's been watching a butt load of Syfy movies and TV shows for the past week. I have been vegging out on the laptop in the living room with Lucy sleeping under her blanket next to me. Every time I get up to get water or a cup of hot tea, she rolls into my spot because my hot ass was there. I have to fight her to roll back to where she was. It's all a vicious cycle.
David made his favorite soup this morning then he poured it into single portioned containers. He put two of the containers into the fridge and the rest of them into the big freezer. I don't have to cook for a few days because he eats nothing but that until it's all gone. Weird. Yeah, I know. I'm not really hungry today so I'll go to bed early and try to get rid of this pain.


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

LoL I feel you! It’s always good to have a comment section set of rules on place. And the facts about growing older? Stealing them.

anne marie in philly said...

I read some of your statements to my spouse; he applauded the growing older comments.

HNY 2019 to you and david and the puppies!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Spammers have been hitting one of my posts from October in record numbers. I turned the comments off but just on that post. We'll see if it fixes the problem. I hope so. It's tedious deleting all that spam.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Growing older is so true
the Ol'Buzzard

Magic Love Crow said...

Like Debra, I had spammers hitting one specific post, so I got rid of that post. I hope your headache is gone!

The JR said...

Spammers need to die. I hate them.

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