Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

I'm Back

I'm back from my family doctor appointment. I had great labs. Staying off sugar is paying off my glucose (fasting sugar) was 88. Not too shabby. everything is normal except my HDL was low when it should be high and I had a butt load of eosinophils in my CBC which is indicative of autoimmune disease. I also was throwing extra heart beats when he gave a listen to my heart. That led to an EKG that showed the palpitations and some skipping. So, I'm set up on referral to get an appointment with a cardiologist in New Braunfels. I know where her office is so there is no problem. She's a great women's heart health doctor. Other than all that, I'm really okay.
While I was gone, David called the house 3 times. He's obviously checking up on me. The man worries way too much for his own good. Anywho, I called him to let him know I was home safe and sound and then I let the puppies outside to play in the mild weather. Lucy loves to jump on poor ol' Spunky. She's such a bratty little sister. It's so beautiful today. I just wanted to sit out in the sun for a while but the consequences on my health are too great. I just sat in the shade of the pecan trees and watched the puppies
Well, I'm kinda tired right now so I'm going to catch up on blogs and relax.
Y'all have a magical day.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope those heart palpitations settle down. You deserve a nice nap this afternoon!

anne marie in philly said...

watching puppies play is a good relaxing tool. good you are breathing today and able to appreciate the small joys in life.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

that's all good news! it is a glorious spring day here today. the same as a glorious fall day, just the opposite time of year. it's how it should be for once. it's cool, a little breezy, sunny and the birds are chirping. i wouldn't mind spring and summer if they would do what they are supposed to do rather than have hot humid weather for 6 months.

The JR said...

I walked to get a plate lunch and it was still a little nippy here. It was overcast then.
Glad your sugar was good. Not too sure about those other things.
Good luck at the cardiologist.

ellen abbott said...

I'm dealing with the same problem, episodes of rapid and irregular heartbeat or afib for short. so far the medications aren't controlling it, as in making it stop. mostly the episodes are just annoying and only last a couple of hours but I have one or two a day.

Magic Love Crow said...

Take a nap and watch yourself! Happy everything is going ok! Big Hugs!

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