Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Laissez les bon temps rouler!

Let the good times roll! It's fat Tuesday, y'all. Eat drink and be merry. I hope the revelers are all bundled up because it's cold out. It's 30 degrees here again in the sun and I have no idea what it is in the shade. It's just too fucking cold to go out today. Oh, it's been colder than this here in my part of Texas before and for a longer time. I just hope this freeze has been long enough to kill the bugs that came out earlier last week when it was warm. 
Speaking of bugs. Texas has a big problem with leaf cutter ants. The little critters can strip a rose bush in half a week for one nest. They can take over a yard in a month and will even go after trees. They need the leaf cuttings to line their colony walls so that they can keep their environment a constant temperature. The right temperature will produce their food which is a fungus. 
So conventional ant pellets used to sterilize the queen that is on the market won't work. Ants won't take the pellets into the colony to feed on because they live on the fungus. Well, they are gone now. The regular environmentally friendly pellet shit wasn't working so a few weeks ago I asked David to whip up some Snyper and spray the yard then I told him to spray the ant holes and their trails really good. Haven't seen an ant here in the yard in weeks. He keeps asking me to go check to see if there are any new nests. None so far. Every day he asks me on the phone to walk the yard for ants. He will actually call me on the phone from work to get the ant news. Yeah, the man is crazy. But I can understand why too. The little bastards took every single leaf from my rose bushes in the garden and were working on my potted lemon trees that I put on the porch for the sunshine. These ants will brave the cold to find a single leaf. So no ants this morning. I think the spraying worked. Also, now my rose bushes are budding with new leaf buds. I covered the bushes because of the cold and tomorrow the weather is supposed to start warming up. I'm just so glad that the roses are coming back. I thought they were dead.
Y'all have a magical day. I have work to get to.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

i just found out that we are in line for the cicada emergence. good god! millions of them oer square mile. and i hear that dogs eat them. it's going to be nasty. i baked king cakes for mardi gras.

anne marie in philly said...

lil bastards!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Since it's Fat Tuesday, I'm making blueberry pancakes for supper tonight!

Magic Love Crow said...

That is really interesting about the ants! I hope they don't come back!

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