Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tacky Tuesday

Sometimes I have the weirdest dreams and last week I had a doozy. I also said I would tell all y'all about it but I forgot. But I have been reminded by one of my readers, thank you, Stacy. It's been a week and I can still remember just a bit of it but it is still strange. 
The dream started with me getting hit by a fat bus. Yes, a Fat Bus. The bus wasn't wide it was fat and fluffy something like the car in this picture.
Anywho, the fat bus was bouncing down the street and I got run over by it. It felt like a balloon rolling over me but in my dream, it had killed me. The next thing I knew I was standing at the pearly gates facing a "No Admittance" sign so I bummed around until someone told me I had to go down to Hell, so I did. 
Satan, for some strange reason, was portrayed by none other than Jeromy Irons. As usual, he was wearing all black but the underside of the tailored suit he wore had a dark red satin lining. The first thing he did when he saw me coming into the throne room was to shout, "OH NO, NOT YOU AGAIN!" Then he suddenly disappeared but I could see him on his computer monitor next to his throne. He was screaming at God who was portrayed by Dame Judi Dench. She, of course, was ignoring him, preening the clouds near her as if it was a rose garden. I guess she got tired of his ranting and crying, yes he was crying and begging her to take me off his hands when she said that I was his problem and to just deal with me. 
When he got back to Hell, I had taken over and there was ice water for everyone, AC and Netflix. Yeah, I brought my Roku with me. But the ice water for everyone made me laugh because I remember my mom always saying, "and people in Hell want ice water." I guess it stuck itself into my dream. Anywho, he fell on his knees in front of my throne, broke down and cried. Then Lucy woke me up. To me, the dream was funny because I took over Hell even though I don't believe in it. Also, the characters that I had portray Satan and God made me laugh because that was my subconscious doing all this. It was so strange that I would choose them as major players.
Something else. Yesterday, I was in Blogger going through comments and sending them through to my blog when I came across a troll. Yes, someone that likes to comment on blogs under the guise of anonymity so they can spew their crap.
Trolls are basically cowards living in their mom's basement working for McDonald's during their evenings. They hit and run through blogs and sometimes you will notice them making their lame comments on online news stories. That is where they mainly hang out.
Well, I'm feeling a bit better today so I have stuff and thangs to do. So y'all have a magical day.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You know, in the old days you would have written up your dream as part of the New Testament and today people would believe it was literally true. Personally, I believe that Dame Judy Dench is indeed the Goddess.

Leanna said...

Hey, I'm the Queen of Hell now. All bow before me or I smite thee or something like that.
I wonder that too. What if DJD is really the Goddess masquerading as a mortal?

anne marie in philly said...

fat buses and cars, eh? must be that medicine you take. and trolls suck; they get deleted on my blog, no questions asked. I've even banned a few.

Magic Love Crow said...

That was one interesting and fun dream! All hail to the Queen! LOL!
Those damn trolls suck!
Big Hugs!

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