Halloween Countdown

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Monday, June 3, 2019

It's Monday, Lawd Help Us

President Lump is in London right now. Many of us were hoping that he wouldn't go until July 4th. But any time he's away from the U.S. is a wonderful time. By the way, America is still looking for any countries that would like to babysit host Pres. Lump for the July 4th and Labor Day holidays. Asking for friends. Anyone? Any takers? Please, we'll pay you well.  crickets  Well, I tried.
This past weekend I was fooling around in Pinterest looking for something in the way of homemade food items. I found out how to make my own butter using a mixer and heavy cream. And that the whey that is left over from the butter can be used for making bread. I also found a way to set up my homemade cake and biscuit mixes without having to go to my kitchen notebook. I had David buy me a 4 pack of 1-quart canning jars at HEB. When he got back with the jars I sterilized them and let them dry. While that was happening I wrote out the title of the mix and the wet ingredients to add and quick instructions on 3x5 cards. Punched a hole in the corner of the cards and attached by slip knotting the cards with rubber bands. Then I  tore off a large square of parchment paper and measured off the dry ingredients for each cake, biscuit, or scone mix. I then funneled the dry ingredients into the dry clean 1-quart canning bottles with the parchment paper. Sealed with the lids and wrapped the cards around the necks of the bottles as I made them. I now have bottles of ready mixes for whatever I need in my pantry. I used one of the mixes last night to make scones for this morning's breakfast. It was so damned easy to make. This was a great idea.
Well, I have a house to clean and puppies to let back into the house. It's their morning nap time. Y'all have a magical day.


anne marie in philly said...

I wish SOMEBODY (like Russia) would keep the lump permanently!

ellen abbott said...

that fat bastard's newest outrage is to require all social media usernames, email addresses, and phone numbers for the past five years for anyone applying for a visa. for the safety of our citizens donchaknow. anyone who said anything derogatory about Trump won't get a visa I betcha.

ellen abbott said...

oh, and you should post of picture of your jars.

pam nash said...

The mixes sound like excellent gifts too!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You are so well organized!

Ol'Buzzard said...

That sounds great and efficient. However our cabin is so small, storage would be a problem. We don't make cakes; and sorrily don't make biscuits (which I love.) We do make bread in our bread machine about twice a week. My wife is concerned about cholesterol in biscuits - she seems to want to keep me around past my sell-by date.
the Ol'Buzzard

Leanna said...

Dude! We have "sell-by" dates? I need to check David for his.

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