Halloween Countdown

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Friday, June 7, 2019

MCTD is Not For Sissies

I'm moving quite slow today. I had a flare yesterday evening and for the life of me, I can't figure out what the fuck brought it on. So yeah, I'm very tired and my whole body hurts like hell including the headache behind my right eye. When I woke up this morning I didn't want to move because it was the only few minutes that I had experienced no pain of any kind. Yes, for only that one little minute but then I realized if I don't get up really soon there would be a wet problem and I would be forced to strip the bed and wash sheets so I listened to the master and practically crawled to the bathroom. Then I let Lucy and Spunky out and I changed clothes, found my cane and hobbled into the kitchen to toast an English muffin and pour some juice before I take the barrage of daily pills. I sware, every morning I pledge my soul to my pain pills before I take them. It seems only appropriate to do so because they are the only things that allow me to really function in life otherwise I'd be a writhing ball of human flesh in physical suffering or should that be torture. Yeah, I like the torture thingy better. 
Anywho, I've made it to the sofa and my beloved heating pads. I now have two of them one for my lower back and one for my shoulders that I can drape over. It's really cool because it looks like the letter U. part of it is for my upper back and neck and then it can fall over my shoulders to keep them from hurting so bad. David found it at a drug store here in town. Somehow I wonder if the rainstorm that we had yesterday evening triggered this flare. I was fine until it started to rain, then my body literally fell apart. So today I have laundry to get started on but I'm going to do only one load. Other than that I plan on just sitting here on the sofa doing very little all day until my body decides to crawl out of its funk.
So y'all have a magical day.


The JR said...

Not a good way to start a day.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Just stay with your BFFs the heating pads today. I hope tomorrow you feel much better.

pam nash said...

Feel better soon.

Bohemian said...

Healing Energies sent your way and I Hope you're out of misery soon!

ellen abbott said...

I had to look it up, MCTD. holy cow! hope today is better.

yellowdoggranny said...

I just hate that you are in such pain...sending love.

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