Halloween Countdown

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Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday Morning Stuff and a Shout Out

Scared Lucy when the first boom of
thunder hits - the ears go back and
 the baby seal comes out
Saturday morning we had a dry thunderstorm. Yeah, no rain. Dry as a popcorn fart is what my brother, Zomby Woof would say. So, because we had a butt load of thunder, Lucy stayed at my feet, hugging my leg the whole time, shaking. It was the strangest feeling. Not like a dog humping my leg but as if a giant cell phone was strapped to my right shin and it was on vibrate. So yeah, this wasn't a constant vibration I felt, more like a zzZZZTT, zzzZZTT. All I could do was laugh because I'm thinking since she has fleas right now they are probably experiencing mini 8.6 earthquakes with aftershocks. She refused my hugs or any love from me. So, there she sat, attached to my right leg, scared as hell, vibrating like my cell phone and I'm wondering, should I answer that?
This morning there is a big ol rolling thunderstorm, with rain, that is hitting east of Victoria Texas rolling west and all I can think is I sure hope Pam and her sister Ellen are okay. Yes, That's a shout out to both of those wonderful women. This morning Ellen is going into the hospital in Houston for a heart oblation and new heart medication observation to stop her afib and fluttering in her heart. I'm confident everything will go well for her. She has a great doctor and the procedure is minimally invasive.
more Lucy
 Well, I have a little bit of housework to do around here and the puppies are outside while it's not that hot yet and I need to go get them inside before the storm swings up our way. I can't wait until their flea and tick meds get here in the mail. David said they should be here by Thursday, Saturday at the most. So, all I'm saying is, US Mail Service if you could just move that package a little bit faster than most I would be a might bit happier woman who happens to have a little dog that misses sleeping with her mom and dad in their bedroom.  All y'all have a magical day.


The JR said...

Poor little Lucy. Scared to death and fleas. This is the time of year for those aholes. We get Bifen IT at the Co-op and spray our yard when a stray critter brings us some.

I use a spot on for the dogs and cats.

Take care,

pam nash said...

Y'all must have gotten all the thunder because we just got rain and then, this morning, more rain with wind. If we got thunder late last night, I managed to sleep through it between 1am and 330am (dog, demon kitties, et al) when I just got up. I am puppy sitting for the next few days. Minnie, like Lucy, doesn't care for the rain, god forbid, thunder. Unfortunately, she will not be consoled - just shivers, shakes, and takes 2 steps to my one. Tomorrow is the procedure; today tests.

ellen abbott said...

thanks for the mention and why yes, indeed, we did get that driving rain. blinding rain actually as we drove through it to get to the hospital this morning. the ablation is tomorrow. today was the TEE test when the stick a camera down my throat and look at my heart to make sure no clots are hiding in there before the real deal tomorrow.

you description of Lucy sounds like my little Minnis g=dog except add in constant panting. she's at my sister's house keeping company with the demon kittens.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Some animals seem to know when a storm is coming.
the Ol'Buzzard

Magic Love Crow said...

Poor Lucy! Hugs from me! I hope everything went well for Ellen!!! Big Hugs!

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