Halloween Countdown

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Friday, June 28, 2019

This and That

I know, I know. I've been out of the loop lately. I've been vegging out so to speak. The weather has eased up a bit. We were in the 100's for a few days last week and the on and off rain showers have helped keep the temps down. Our area, most of Texas will go into a dry spell for the next three to four months now. No more rain as it should be but hey anything is possible here.
David is going to be off for the usual 4th of July holiday week. Yeah, the place he works for shuts down for the week so he will be home bothering me to go here and there with him, which I wouldn't mind doing except that I do have my bad days with pain so we will have to see what happens. He did want to go to the coast for a couple of days and I said how about just a couple of hours instead. We can't take Spunky and we can't leave him alone for too long so that pretty much puts a damper on any long term time plans. Otherwise, I do want to go shop for a pantry shelving unit to put all my baking appliances and bowls and other stuff on. I found what I wanted in Wayfare but it would take too long to get it. So, I'm thinking David's toy store, Home Desperate might just have what I'm looking for. He will be glad to go because he always finds something manly that he really doesn't need. Yeah, it's the caveman thing again.
So, it's been really quiet at Casa Del Loco lately. Nothing really to report here. I did watch the first and second Democratic debates. Personally, a Harris and Warren ticket sounds kinda awesome to me. Both women are powerful and know what should be done. The men all sound like they are out of touch. Biden got his ass handed to him by Harris. State's Rights my ass! He's old way out of touch with what's going on and not fast enough to take care of business. Sanders is okay but he's older than dirt and yells when he talks. I don't like that, never did. Everyone else, pack it up, regroup and try running for the Senate so the Dems can have the Senate as well as the House in Congress for 2019. 
Well, that's all I have to say. I may not be blogging as much next week because I might be out and about with David. Y'all have a magical day and weekend. 


The JR said...

Hope you find a pantry unit.

Happy weekend.

anne marie in philly said...

DO NOT buy from wayfair; they are selling furniture to the concentration camps in your state! and the furniture AIN'T going to the children!

that 95-100F weather is up here now. dammit.

Practical Parsimony said...

Thanks for coming by. I have been here before but need to come back more often.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope you DO get out and about next week with David -- time to have some fun!

yellowdoggranny said...

don't over do it..4 words that I hear all the time and ignore.

Magic Love Crow said...

Go have some fun and I hope your pain quiets down! Big Hugs!

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